パンフレット一覧 | 外国語版(Brochures in foreign languages)

外国語版(Brochures in foreign languages: Please select from each category.)

大臣官房(Minister’s Secretariat)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)

環境再生・資源循環局(Waste & Recycling)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
Manga "Nasubi no Gimon (Nasubi asks Questions)" Food Edition Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office of Environmental Regeneration 2017, August
What Does “Recycling of Removed Soil” Mean? Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office of Facilities for Contaminated Waste and Soil 2022,October
Disaster Countermeasures for Johkasou Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office for Promotion of Johkasou 2015,March
Night Soil Treatment and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems in Japan Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office for Promotion of Johkasou 2013,December
A Sound Material-Cycle Society through the Eyes of Hokusai [PDF] Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society 2008,July
History and Current State of Waste Management in Japan [PDF] Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society 2014,February
Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technology of Japan [PDF] Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society 2012,February

総合環境政策統括官グループ(Environmental Policy)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
Xây Dựng Môi Trường Cùng Nhau Học Tập ~ 10 Kỹ Năng Sư Phạm Trong Giáo Dục Môi Trường~
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2021,November
Designing for Places of Mutual Learning : 10 Facilitation Skills Learned from Environmental Education
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,March
创造"互学场域" 从环境教育中学习10个协作技巧
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,March
創造"共學場域" 從環境教育中學習10個引導(facilitation)技巧
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2021,March
'함께 배우는 장'을 디자인하자 ~환경 교육으로 배우는 10가지 퍼실리테이션 스킬~
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,March
Act to change the world! To create a sustainable future by 2030
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,February
为了改变世界,让我们行动吧! 面向2030年的可持续未来
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,February
세계를 바꾸기 위해 행동하자! 2030년의 지속가능한 미래를 향해
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,February
¡Vamos a actuar para cambiar el mundo! Hacia un futuro sostenible en 2030
Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Environmental Education 2020,February
Environment Research and Technology Development Fund Director-General for Environmental Policy Office of Enviromental Research and Technology 2023,September
Annual Report on the Environment,the Sound Material-Cycle Society,and the Biodiversity in Japan
Director-General for Environmental Policy General Policy Division 2023,November
Act on Promoting Green Procurement Director-General for Environmental Policy Environment and Economy Division 2017,February
Green Contract Law Director-General for Environmental Policy Environment and Economy Division 2011,February
Environmental Impact Assessment In Japan(環境アセスメント制度のあらまし) Director-General for Environmental Policy Environmental Impact Assessment Division 2023,October
持続可能な社会の形成に向けた金融行動原則(21世紀金融行動原則)(英語版)Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society(Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century) [PDF] Director-General for Environmental Policy Environment and Economy Division 2012,March
環境報告ガイドライン2018年版/Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018 Director-General for Environmental Policy Environment and Economy Division 2018,June

環境保健部(Health & Chemicals)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
水銀による環境の汚染の防止に関する法律(2023年度改訂)(英語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2024,March
Summer in Japan is hot and humid! [PDF] Environmental Health Department Heat Illness Policy Office 2017,March
Further Actions to Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemical Substances― EXTEND2016 ―(Tentative Translation)June 2016  Environmental Health Department Chemical Safety Division 2016,June
Management of Chemicals in Japan [PDF] Environmental Health Department Chemicals Evaluation Office 2014,October
日本人における化学物質のばく露量について2017 -化学物質の人へのばく露量モニタリング調査(2011~)- (英語版) Environmental Health Department Environmental Risk Assesment Office 2017,March
日本の野生生物におけるダイオキシン類の蓄積量について (英語版) Environmental Health Department Environmental Risk Assesment Office 2009,March
(Updated 2010,July)
水銀に関する水俣条約と日本の水銀対策の取組(英語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2019,March
水俣のリソースを活用した水俣条約への貢献(英語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2019,March
水銀に関する水俣条約と日本の貢献(英語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2015,September
Lessons from Minamata Disease and Mercury Management in Japan Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(中国語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(アラビア語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(フランス語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(スペイン語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(ロシア語版) Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2013,September
フライヤー集:日本における水銀対策技術 (2022年度更新)英語版 Environmental Health Department Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management 2023,March

地球環境局(Global Environment)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
"Supply-chain emissions" in Japan [PDF 3.6MB] Global Environment Bureau Climate Change Policy Division 2015,March
Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons(Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act) Global Environment Bureau Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy 2023,March
Let's protect the ozone layer 2022 edition Global Environment Bureau Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy 2022,October
Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Condition Equipment Based on Natural Refrigerants Good Practices Global Environment Bureau Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy 2012,November
国際広報誌 Japan Environment Quarterly (JEQ) Global Environment Bureau International Strategy Division 2013,March-2022,March
Climate Change in Mongolia - Outputs from GCM [PDF 3.17KB] Global Environment Bureau Climate Change Adaptation Office 2015,March
Climate Change in South Asia - Outputs from GCM [PDF 850KB] Global Environment Bureau Climate Change Adaptation Office 2015,March
Climate Change in Southeast Asia - Outputs from GCM Global Environment Bureau Climate Change Adaptation Office 2015,March

水・大気環境局(Air & Transportation, Water / Soil / Ground Environment)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
ダイオキシン類2009(関係省庁共通パンフレット)(英語版) Environmental Management Bureau Office of Environmental Pollution Control 2009,March
Sato-umi(さとうみパンフレット《英語版》)[PDF] Environmental Management Bureau Office of Environmental Management of Coastal Seas 2009,November
Guidance for Introducing the Total Pollutant Load Control System (TPLCS) ~Summary~[PDF] Environmental Management Bureau Office of Environmental Management of Coastal Seas 2011,August
Model Project for Improvement of Water Environment in Asia Environmental Management Bureau Environmental Management Division 2024,June
Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA)(リンク) Environmental Management Bureau Environmental Management Division 2011,March
WEPA Outlook on Water Environmental Management in Asia 2021[PDF](リンク) Environmental Management Bureau Environmental Management Division 2021,December
WEPA Fourth Phase Final Report 2024[PDF](リンク) Environmental Management Bureau Environmental Management Division 2024,March
Regulations Amended to Control Mercury Emissions toward the Effective Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury Environmental Management Bureau Office of Environmental Pollution Control 2017,March
マイクロプラスチック削減に向けたグッド・プラクティス集(英語版) Environmental Management Bureau Marine Environment Division 2021,November
Guidelines for Harmonizing Ocean Surface Microplastic Monitoring Methods Environmental Management Bureau Marine Environment Division 2019,May

自然環境局(Nature & Parks)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
環境省自然環境局 《英語版》 Nature Conservation Bureau Policy Planning Division 2008,March
パンフレット・報告書等(動物愛護管理室ホームページ) Nature Conservation Bureau Animal Welfare and Management Office,Policy Planning Division  
日本の世界自然遺産〔ダイジェスト版〕(英語版)[PDF] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2012,July
日本の世界自然遺産〔詳細版〕(英語版) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2013,March
ICRI東アジア地域サンゴ礁保護区ネットワーク戦略2010(英語版)[PDF 896KB] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2010,September
サンゴ礁を保全する地域コミュニティ ~陸域とサンゴ礁のつながりの視点から進められた8つの取組事例とその考察~(英語版)[PDF 14.4MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2016,March
サンゴ礁生態系保全行動計画2016-2020~サンゴの海の恵みを守るために(英語版)[PDF 9.32MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2017,January
Living with Bountiful Seas(豊かな海とともに)[PDF] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2010,January
Marine Biodiversity Conservation Strategy(海洋生物多様性保全戦略) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2012,January
Marine Biodiversity Conservation Strategy(Summary)(海洋生物多様性保全戦略 概要リーフレット) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2012,January
SATOYAMAイニシアティブ Satoyama Initiative 自然共生社会の実現を目指して(英語版) SATOYAMA INITIATIVE Aiming at realization societies in harmony with nature Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2010,March
里地里山保全活用行動計画~自然と共に生きるにぎわいの里づくり~(概要版) 英語 Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2010,January
里地里山保全活用行動計画~自然と共に生きるにぎわいの里づくり~(全体版) 英語 Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2010,January
Nature Restoration Projects in Japan -Towards Living in Harmony with the Natural Environment Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2009,September
Satoyama in Japan - For Nature-based Solutions- Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2022,July
持続可能な地域づくりのための生態系を活用した防災・減災(Eco-DRR)の手引きの概要(英訳)[PDF 1.05MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Policy Division 2023,March
Basic Concept of Climate Change Adaptation on Biodiversity in Japan Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Strategy Office 2016,March
Living in harmony with nature -The Nathional Biodiversity Strategy of Japan 2012-2020- Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Strategy Office 2012,October
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan [PDF 4.4MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Strategy Office 2016,March
Japan Biodiversity Outlook 3 (JBO3) Summary for Policymakers Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Strategy Office 2021,March
「つなげよう、支えよう森里川海」~自然の恵みで豊かなくらしへ~ Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2021,March
Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2021,March
Good Practices in Corporate Disclosure Related to Biodiversity and Natural Capital
Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2021,March
ABS Guidelines [PDF 2.4MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2017,July
ABS Implementation in Japan (English) Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2018,October
Implementación del APB en Japón (Spanish) Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2018,October
Mise en oeuvre de l'APA au Japon (French) Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2018,October
生物多様性民間参画ガイドライン(英語版)Guidelines for Private Sector Engagement in Biodiversity Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity 2023,March
Nature and Earthquake, five years after the Great East Japan Earthquake Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Center of Japan 2016,March
ESABIIパンフレット≪英語≫ Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Center of Japan 2021,March
AP-BON アジア太平洋生物多様性観測ネットワーク《英語版》[PDF](リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Center of Japan 2012,November
生物多様性センター《英語版》[PDF](リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Center of Japan 2017,March
Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the Natural Environment in Tohoku Coastal Regions[PDF](リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Biodiversity Center of Japan 2013,November
National Parks of Japan Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2020,March
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《韓国語》 Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2012,March
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《台湾語》 Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2012,March
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《中国語》 Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2012,March
Outstanding Natural Beauty for Future Generations National Park of Japan Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2020,March
Green Reconstruction:Creating a new National Park Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Division 2013,October
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(英語版)
Rules and manners in National Parks Welcome to the National Park -You are in a National Park
Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2023,March
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(簡体字版)
参观礼貌手册 欢迎光临 国立公园 -您所在之处为国立公园-
Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2023,March
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(繁体字版)
參觀禮貌手冊 觀迎光臨 國立公園 -您所在之處為國立公園-
Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2023,March
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(韓国語版)
지켜야할 매너와 규칙 국립공원에 오신절 환영합니다 -당신이 겨신 이 곳은 국립공원입니다-
Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2023,March
SEE FEEL DISCOVER Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2018,March
Let's Practice Ecotourism! Nature Conservation Bureau National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office 2010,October
パンフレット「ご存知ですか?カルタヘナ法(英語)」(リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2010,March
RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN -Conservation and Wise Use of Rich and Diverse Wetlaneds- Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2012,September
日本の野生生物(英語版) Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2015,March
日本の野生生物(中国語簡体版) Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2008,June
日本の野生生物(韓国語版) Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2008,June
East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites in Japan Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2022,March
EAST ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN FLYWAY PARTNERSHIP(リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Wildlife Division 2018,January
外来生物法リーフレット(輸入者用・英語版) Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Alien Species Management 2016,October
チラシ「To Genome Editing Technologies Users(English)」(リンク) Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Alien Species Management  
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(英語)[PDF 11.2MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation of Endagered Species 2015,March
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(韓国語)[PDF 13.5MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation of Endagered Species 2015,March
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(中国語簡体字)[PDF 11.7MB] Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation of Endagered Species 2015,March
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の英語版「The ABCs for the Safe and Secure Use of Onsen」 Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs 2019,March
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の中国語版「放心、安全 温泉使用入门知识」 Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs 2019,October
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の韓国語版「안심・안전한 온천 이용의 기본상식」 Nature Conservation Bureau Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs 2019,October

地方環境事務所(Regional Office)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)
サロベツ湿原センター Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Hokkaido 2019,September
Winter-Flooded Rice Paddies Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Tohoku 2012,March
Ogasawara Islands a World Natural Heritage - On-Going Nature Conservation Efforts in the Ogasawara Islands Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Kanto 2021,March
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園70周年記念パンフレット(記事面) Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Kanto 2023,March
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園70周年記念パンフレット(地図面) Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Kanto 2023,March
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園アクティビティガイドブック Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Kanto 2023,March
Fujimae-higata National Wildlife Protection Area Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Chubu 2020,March
Ise-Shima National Park Regional Environment Office Ise-Shima National Park Office -
National Park in Okayama.Rules & Manners in National Parks (English) Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku 2020,June
大山隠岐国立公園_各種資料 Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku Daisen-Oki National Park Office 2023,April
パンフレット「ラムサール条約湿地「荒尾干潟」(英語版)」 [PDF 4.3MB] Regional Environment Office Regional Environment Office in Kyushu 2014,March
Saikai National Park, Kujukushima, Manners guide Regional Environment Office Kujukushima Visitor Center(Kyushu Regional Environment Office) 2012,March

地域脱炭素推進審議官グループ(Regional Decarbonization)

パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) 作成部局(Department) 作成課・室(Division / Office) 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication)

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