

The Shosenen Trail is open every year between July 14 and September 30


Shosenen is extremely unspoilt wetland, where the nature remains pristine. Based on the Daisetsuzan National Park Shosenen Area Appropriate Usage Promotion Plan, usage rules have been determined that will apply to the Shosenen Trail as of when it opens on July 14, 2020.
The route from Aizankei Onsen via Shosenen and back to Aizankei Onsen takes approx. 5 hours. It is a special place that can only be accessed by those who can observe the following rules and who have a certain degree of hiking knowledge and skill.


松仙園登山道 5つルール

Five Rules of the Shosenen Trail

  • ●毎年7月14日から9月30日まで利用可能です。
  • ●Open from July 14 to September 30, every year
    The trail cannot be used during periods in which the wetland vegetation is easily harmed, such as when snow is falling and/or melting. During the periods in which the trail is closed, a rope is hung across the gate.
  • 登り一方通行です。
    登山による歩道及び植生の荒廃を最小限に抑える ため、歩道や植生に与えるインパクトの少ない登り一方通行とします。
  • One-way uphill route
    In order to minimize the impact on the trail and vegetation, access is limited to one way in the less damaging uphill direction.
  • 木道やロープ柵の外側には踏み出さないでください。
    先を行く登山者を追い越すときも、踏み出さないでください。 追い越される登山者には、木道基礎の横木に足をかけて道を譲ってください。
  • ●Pleasedo not step outside of the rope fence or stray from the boardwalk.
    Please keep to the trail when overtaking other hikers. Those being overtaken should stand to one side while placing their feet on the lateral planks that form the foundations of the boardwalk.
  • 入り口ゲートでは、ブラシで靴についた植物の種を落としてください。
  • ●Pleaseuse a brush to remove plant seeds from the soles of your shoes at the gate.
    In order to prevent alien species from being carried into the wetland, please use the brush provided at the trailhead gate to remove soil from the soles of your shoes.
  • ヒグマ対策をしてください。
  • ●Pleaseuse a brush to remove plant seeds from the soles of your shoes at the gate.
    In order to prevent alien species from being carried into the wetland, please use the brush provided at the trailhead gate to remove soil from the soles of your shoes.


Shosenen Trail is a Daisetsuzan Grade 4 trail. "Trail with challenging terrain"


The routes between the Shosenen Trailhead and Nino-numa Pond/Sanno-numa Marsh, between Nino-numa Pond/Sanno-numa Pond and Yonno-numa Pond, and between Yonno-numa Pond and the snowfield vegetation zone are difficult trails to negotiate, involving large rock steps, muddy sections, stream crossings and the like.
Please make sure you have comprehensive hiking equipment and are carrying sufficient water and food.
Please wear proper hiking footwear and spats (or long boots).

ぬかるみの画像 わかりにくい道の画像



A muddy section; there may be deep puddles, depending on the period or location. (Section between the trailhead and Nino-numa Pond)

Unclear trail and rock section (particularly just after the snow has melted, before the leaves have sprouted.) In years with heavy snowfall, it may be necessary to traverse snow gullies (the section between Nino-numa Pond and Yonno-numa Pond)

大きな岩の段差の画像 滑りやすい急斜面の画像


Large rock steps (the section between the trailhead and Nino-numa Pond)


Steep, slippery slopes (the section between the trailhead and Nino-numa Pond)


Highlights of the Shosenen Trail



●Summer wetland scenery

The scenery in which the highest peak in the Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, Mt. Asahidake rises in the background of the wetland that covers the lava plateau is unique to Shosenen. In summer, wetland-specific vegetation such as cranberry, bog rosemary, pygmy waterlilies, hare's-tail cottongrass and the like can be seen there.



●Autumn foliage

The Daisetsuzan Mountain Range are said to be where Japan's earliest autumn foliage can be seen. Amid the subtle changes in the greens of the conifers and the vermilion and yellows of the deciduous hardwood trees, the color of the sky reflects in ponds that are doted around, producing landscapes unique to Shosenen. If you are lucky, you may even see the summit of the mountain covered in the first snow of the season, at the same as the surrounding autumn foliage.



●Summer wetland scenery

The scenery in which the highest peak in the Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, Mt. Asahidake rises in the background of the wetland that covers the lava plateau is unique to Shosenen. In summer, wetland-specific vegetation such as cranberry, bog rosemary, pygmy waterlilies, hare's-tail cottongrass and the like can be seen there.

●自然性の極めて高い証拠 四ノ沼のケルミ・シュレンケ


●String-flark at Yonno-numa Pond - evidence of the pristine natural environment

The striped pattern of the wetland, which can be seen from the Yonno-numa Pond viewpoint, is the result of the undulating surface of the wetland formed by the contours of the land. The peat hillocks are known as string, while the concave depressions are known as flark, with the undulations collectively known as string-flark. In the Taisetsu Mountains, such patterns can only be seen in this location.


The Latest Information on the Shosenen Trail

大雪山国立公園登山情報をチェックしてください。  愛山渓温泉、松仙園登山口にも案内標識がありますので、登山情報を確認してください。

Please check-out the Daisetsuzan National Park Information site. There are also information signs at Aizankei Onsen and at the Shosenen Trailhead; please check the hiking information posted there.


Reference Information



Access and hot-spring information

Information regarding Aizankei Onsen (Kamikawa Town website)



環境省大雪山国立公園管理事務所 〒078-1741 北海道上川郡中央町603 TEL:01658-2-2574
Daisetsuzan National Park Office, Ministry of the Environment Chuo-cho603, Kamikawa-cho,
Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido 078-1741 TEL: +81-1658-2-2574