(ii) Examples of initiatives in the production and shipment of foods
As a result of various measures, concentrations of radiation in excess of standard limits are currently almost never found in inspections.
Measures for Reducing Transfer of Radioactive Materials to Crops
This section introduces some of the measures used to reduce the transfer of radioactive materials to crops.
For more detailed information about these initiatives, see pages 68 and 69 of Vol. 2, FY2022 edition.
Radioactivity Inspections of Rice in Fukushima Prefecture
Fukushima Prefecture has inspected all bags of rice harvested in the prefecture since 2012, separately from inspections performed under inspection guidelines. As no bags were found to exceed the standard limits for the five years from 2015, for rice produced from 2020 onward the prefecture has transitioned from inspection of all bags to monitoring (sampling) inspections, with the exception of some areas including former Areas under Evacuation Orders
For more details about these initiatives, see page 75 of Vol. 2, FY2022 edition.