Health Effects of Radiation:
5 Themes

(ii) Comparison to other regional ambient dose rates

Comparing the ambient dose rates shown here for 4 municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture and other major cities inside and outside of Japan shows that as a result of decontamination efforts and physical attenuation of radioactive materials, the levels are roughly the same.

Measurement results for ambient dose rates in major cities

Measurement results for ambient dose rates in major cities
Prepared based on data by the Japan National Tourism Organization
(, as of December 2018)

This figure shows ambient dose rate measurements for major cities in Japan and other parts of the world in 2017 or 2018. Radiation dose can be seen to vary by region. This is due to variations in the amount of ground radiation, mainly caused by differences in soil and rock composition.

For more information about ambient dose rate measurement results for major cities,
see page 69 of Vol. 1, FY2022 edition.