Health Effects of Radiation:
5 Themes

(i) Results of inspections of radioactive materials in food

As a result of the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, concern about the radiation exposure from food spread. However, radioactive decay and various other initiatives are preventing the distribution of foods which exceed the standard limits.

Inspection results by food type

In order to ensure the safety of food, inspections are conducted to prevent distribution of foods with concentrated radioactivity above a certain threshold. In addition, various initiatives are in place for preventing radioactive contamination of foods. As a result of these efforts, inspection results exceeding the standard limits are no longer being seen, and foods with radioactivity above these levels are not in distribution.
Inspection results are released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and by local government organizations.

Inspection results by food type

● Measures for Radioactive Materials in Food, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
● Database of radioactive substances in food

For more detailed survey results, see page 52 of Vol. 2, FY2022 edition.
For detailed information about the surveys, see pages 73, 76, 81, 84, 86 of Vol. 2, FY2022 edition.

Survey of Distributed Foods (Market Basket Survey)

Amounts of radioactive materials contained in average meals have been surveyed since FY2011, using a market basket approach. According to the results of surveys, the annual radiation dose from radioactive cesium in food received by an individual is about 0.1% of the annual permissible dose of 1 mSv per year, which is the basis for the current standard limits.
Information including inspection results, shipping restrictions, and intake restrictions for specific food products is published on the websites of national and local government organizations.

For detailed information on annual radiation doses, see page 65 of Vol. 1, FY2022 edition.
For detailed information about the inspections, see page 62 of Vol. 2, FY2022 edition.

Health Effects of Radiation: 5 Themes