(iii) Exposure in daily life
We are exposed to radiation from not only the ground but also other parts of our surroundings. This includes both natural radiation from the ground and foods and artificial radiation from CT scans and other medical examinations.
Natural and artificial radiation exposure dose
We are exposed to radiation in our daily lives without realizing it, and it’s impossible to eliminate this exposure completely.
- Sources:
- Prepared based on the 2008 UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) Report; “Environmental Radiation in Daily Life (Calculation of National Doses), ver. 3” (2020), Nuclear Safety Research Association; and ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) 103, etc.
For more information about radiation around us, see page 63 of Vol. 1, FY2022 edition.
Exposure dose in daily life (per year)
The percentage of medical exposure from radiological examinations is known to be high in Japan. This is considered to be because CT scans, which involve high-dose exposures for each examination, are quite common and upper gastrointestinal (UGI) examinations are generally utilized for stomach cancer screenings.
- Sources:
- Prepared based on the 2008 UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) Report; and “Environmental Radiation in Daily Life (Calculation of National Doses), ver. 3” (2020), Nuclear Safety Research Association.
For more information about exposure in daily life, see page 65 of Vol. 1, FY2022 edition.