Activities for Thailand

Activities for Thailand

PaSTI has agreed to bilateral cooperation with Thailand in the winter of 2021, with the aim of achieving co-innovation by scaling up transparency and mitigation measures and supporting research and institution building, including domestic institutions.

Activities in Thailand has been published.

March, 2024

Photo of seminras

Online workshop on ESG finance

As part of the development support for GHG auto-calculation methodologies in the waste sector, we have developed and created reporting templates for GHG auto-calculation methodologies in general waste disposal associated with local governments, in particular the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) drawing on past PaSTI activities developments in GHG calculation methodologies in the industrial waste sector for reference. After preparation, the results were reported to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, which requested suggestions for projects to reduce GHG emissions, and a Project Idea Note (Table1) was also prepared.

In order to share these and other prepared deliverables with other local governments, a workshop was held at the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in February 2024, attended by approximately four representatives each from Nakhon Sawan, Chiang Mai, and Buriram.
During the workshop, discussions were held on points to consider when calculating GHG emissions and on Japanese cases. Assistant Professor Wirasini from Kasetsart University highlighted the need to consider public opinion regarding the cost increase associated with actions to reduce GHG emissions.
Moving forward, it is expected that the developed GHG auto-calculation methodologies and the Project Idea Note for reducing GHG emissions will be used to develop action plan for the general waste sector in line with the Climate Change Master Plan 2023-2030 together with the BMA to advance the project.

Given the progress in environmental performance disclosure by private companies and initiatives in ESG investment and finance in Thailand, these insights have been shared alongside Japan and Thailand experiences (including efforts by financial authorities, central banks, and governmental structures toward expanding ESG finance) to contribute to transparency enhancement in ASEAN countries through an online workshop held on March 26, 2024.

Tabel 1: Activities identified in the Project Idea Note

Project Description of reduction activities
1 Reduce the amount of solid waste entering landfills Implement waste management practices that reduce waste at source.
2 Incineration of waste Convert waste into energy through incineration facilities.
3 Composting Improving soils with organic waste.
4 Installation of wastewater treatment facilities Build a new sewage treatment plant.
5 Systematic collection of sewage Increase inflows through sewerage extensions.
6 Use of sewage sludge Use of sludge fertilisers.
7 Reuse of wastewater Reuse wastewater instead of tap water.

PaSTI-Thailand held 2 seminars in FY2022.

Online/ 2022

Photo of seminras

Photo of the seminars

Since PaSTI-Thailand project launch last year, continuous efforts and cooperation were made between the two countries. In FY2022, two online seminars regarding “Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas, and transparency related scheme(s) in waste production company to implementing Climate Change Act in Thailand” were conducted.

The first online seminar held in September produced the following outputs: 1) identified CO2 (generated by incineration of waste), CH4 (generated by landfilling waste), and N2O as GHG from the waste sector, and methodology in the Japanese GHG emission MRV system and GHG protocols as one of the international standard were introduced as calculation methods for these gases, 2)developed an automatic calculation sheet for GHG based on the same concept as that in Japan and 3)many participants in the business sector agreed that it would be desirable to establish an easier methodology for calculating GHG emissions based on Japan’s experience. The development of an automatic GHG emission calculation sheet (Version 1.0) which requires only entering the amount of waste was welcomed by many participants.

Based on the results of the first seminar, the second seminar was more in-depth. The participants discussed what actions could be taken regarding the methodology for wastes such as solvent waste, solvent-contaminated waste, and oil-contaminated waste. Those wastes were likely to get incinerated as long as they were classified as industrial wastes, however, it is introduced that the IPCC 2006 Guidelines and the Japanese calculation manual can be referred to. The participants discussed those issues for deeper understanding of developing a methodology in the Thailand context.

Online seminar on MRV and transparency in waste sector was held successfully.

Online / September 2022

The online seminar on “Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas, and transparency related scheme(s) in waste production company to implementing Climate Change Act in Thailand” was held successfully. The seminar was attended by a total of around 20 participants, including operators who produce waste and those who treat and manage waste. The speakers introduced the methodology for measurement under the Japanese Law and an automatic measurement sheet referring to the GHG Protocol, which is being developed through the project, and exchanged views with the participants.

Seminar on the waste sector was held successfully.

Online / February 2022

Photo of the Seminar

Photo of the Seminar

An online seminar on “Transparency and MRV related business activities under the climate change actions in the Waste sector” was organized on 15 February 2022. Total 20 Thai participants including major Thai industrial parks and waste management companies were joined this seminar event and learned current status and challenges of MRV in waste sector.

OECC and Thai waste sector expert, Dr. Wilasinee Yoochatchaval, Kasetsert University introduced importance of transparency and MRV related activities in private sector. Dr. Wilasinee explained contents of draft Climate Change Act under consideration by Thai government and also the issues that private sector should address under this new legislation. OECC explained Japan’s GHG inventory system of the waste sector and reporting system under the existing law and regulations.

After the presentations, all the participants joined discussion on GHG emission reduction and MRV activities. Several participants raised questions and opinions on GHG calculation methods, law enforcement, impacts on carbon market projects and price of carbon credit.