Activities for Philippines

Activities for Philippines

PaSTI launched a project in the Republic of the Philippines to promote climate change action and reporting by the private sector in the fall of 2019 under the letters for bilateral cooperation exchanged between Japan and the Philippines. It is aimed to realize co-innovation by supporting public-private exchanges and capacity building in the Philippines.

Activities in The Philippines has been published.

March, 2024

Exchange of opinions for DENR、SEC、CCC

Workshop at Metro Manila

In the Philippines, efforts to strengthen greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reporting in the private sector are underway. In order to support the establishment of a GHG emissions accounting and reporting system, PaSTI is working with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Climate Change Commission (CCC), and the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This collaboration aims to build a framework for collecting GHG emissions data from the private sector using the sustainability reporting system that has been mandatory for listed companies from 2023.

In FY2023, templates for GHG emission calculation reporting were created mainly by DENR in accordance with the SEC's new sustainability reporting format, and templates including activity data and emission factors to calculate GHG emissions were prepared for each industrial sector.

Additionally, on March 25, 2024, a workshop targeting private enterprises and local governments in sectors related to industrial processes and waste management was held in Metro Manila, sponsored by PaSTI. In this workshop, information on templates for GHG emissions calculation & reporting, the benefits of voluntarily disclosing information for companies toward decarbonization, and good practices of corporate initiatives in the Philippines was shared.

Activities in The Philippines has been published.

Japan and Online/ 2023

Exchange of opinions for DENR、SEC、CCC

Exchange of opinions for DENR, SEC, CCC

Training courses in  Japan

Training courses in Japan

With the strong leadership and support of DENR, PaSTI-Philippines Project made steady progress in the past fiscal year.

Building upon the activities conducted in previous years, PaSTI-Philippines project continued its efforts to investigate the systems related to corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting and reporting in the country. Through this investigation, we proposed the collaboration between the Sustainability Reporting System implemented by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the GHG data collection initiatives promoted by DENR. This marked the first step towards realizing this collaboration. Specifically, PaSTI held regular workshops and discussions in cooperation with DENR, the Climate Change Commission (CCC), and SEC, aiming to clarify the roles of relevant government agencies and engage in discussions regarding the necessary legal arrangements. As a result, the project has continued to actively explore inter-agency collaboration to facilitate smooth and effective corporate reporting on GHG emissions.

Additionally, we organised a study tour to Japan, where we showcased examples of GHG emissions reporting by businesses in our country and discussed incentives to enhance corporate transparency. This study tour brought together participants from various institutions and organisations, including DENR, CCC, SEC, the private sector, and consultants. It provided a valuable platform for expanding communication opportunities and fostering collaboration among these organisations.

Overall, under the guidance of DENR, the PaSTI-Philippines Project made significant progress in promoting sustainable practices and establishing a framework for inter-organisational cooperation. We look forward to continuing our efforts in the coming year with the aim of achieving further success in GHG emissions accounting and reporting in the Philippines.

The PaSTI-Philippines Online Seminar was conducted.

March, 2022

The PaSTI-Philippines Online Seminar was conducted

Photo of the seminar

The PaSTI-Philippines Online Seminar was conducted

Two workshops for the PaSTI Workshop Series Phase 2 on Capacity Building on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Climate Change Mitigation were co-organized by the MOEJ and the DENR-EMB and held in January and March 2022.

In the first workshop, titled as “MRV 201: How to measure facility level GHG emissions,” two Japanese companies were invited to introduce their data collection measures on GHG emissions measurement to comply for the Japanese Mandatory GHG Accounting and Reporting System or for the JCM project and shared their basic knowledge on GHG emissions MRVs. A local company in the cement sector was also invited to showcase their climate transparency activities in the Philippines.

The second workshop was titled as “PaSTI Public-Private Sector Dialogue on MRV," and was organized as one of the official seminar of the First Japan-Philippines Climate Week. In this workshop panelists with knowledge and experiences on MRV system were invited from the waste sector and other private sectors in the Philippines. They to exchanged opinions and needs with government officials on how to organize the public-private cooperation for efforts to establish MRV systems that ensures incentives for their actions.

For more details, please visit PaSTI Official Youtube Channel

The first PaSTI-workshop series of Capacity Building on MRV System was completed.

Manila, the Philippines and Tokyo, Japan/ 2020-2021

Aiming to build capacities on measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of climate change mitigation of the Philippines’ private sector in the Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) and Waste sector, OECC is co-organizing virtual workshops with the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB). The first workshop series consisting of three online workshops were successfully completed.

The title of this PaSTI WS series is "Capcity Building on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Climate Change Mitigation".

You can find the webinar videos on PaSTI Official Channel.

The first virtual PaSTI workshop -MRV 101: Understanding and Appreciating MRV- was held successfully.

First virtual workshop

First virtual workshop

The first online workshop was held on October 15, and more than 200 participants joined to obtain the basic concepts of MRV as embodied in the Paris Agreement. It was also an opportunity to share some good practices and experiences related to MRV development and implementation.

You can recap the 1st workshop here: PaSTI Official Youtube Channel.

The second virtual PaSTI workshop -Development and Designing of an MRV System- was held with success.

Second virtual workshop

Second virtual workshop

The second online workshop was held on December 9, 2020. Representatives from the private sector, as well as The Climate Change Commission (CCC), DENR and other government agencies (at national and local level) participated in the workshop to understand the process and requirements in the development and design of MRV systems for climate change mitigation, and to exchange views regarding case studies from Japan and the Philippines.

You can recap the 2nd workshop here: PaSTI Official Youtube Channel.

The third online workshop on Overview of the Mitigation Measures of the IPPU and Waste sectors  was held.

Philippine online workshop

Philippine online workshop

The third workshop focused on the private sector's benefits of participating in the transparency activities.  The highlight of the workshop was information exchange among Japanese and Philippines Private sector companies. Invited guest-speakers from JFE Engineering Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Trane Philippines and Holcim Philippines introduced their GHG emissions transparency activities and mitigation measures conducted in their companies.

In response to these presentations, the guest speakers had a discussion on how national climate policy can affect the sector activities and how important the communication with the government is.

As the new-normal in the COVID-19 era, every workshop was conducted in online settings. The workshop reached out to the key stakeholders from the Philippines' private sector and local governments efficiently. With more than 100 participants in each workshop, the workshop series underlined the current high interest of GHG transparency activities in the Philippines. 

You can recap the 3rd workshop here: PaSTI Official Youtube Channel.

The first bilateral dialogue on PaSTI between Japan and the Philippines was held.

Manila, Philippines / November 2019

Participants in the Dialogue

Participants in the Dialogue

Following a letter issued by Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to the Ministry of the Environment, Japan in September 2019 indicating its interest in bilateral cooperation under PaSTI, a stakeholder meeting was held on November 6th.

Participants shared information on transparency systems in Japan and the current status of climate change initiatives in the Philippines. They confirmed through the discussion that PaSTI will leverage existing reporting platforms in the Philippines and enhance climate change actions and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system especially in industrial process and product use (IPPU) sector and waste sector.

The both parties have agreed to continue the dialogue and work with the private sector as well to promote the PaSTI project.