第3回CCUS・水素に関する国際シンポジウムの開催について / The 3rd CCUS and Hydrogen Symposium

第3回CCUS・水素に関する国際シンポジウムの開催について / The 3rd CCUS and Hydrogen Symposium

 Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan held "the 3rd CCUS and Hydrogen International Symposium - Toward carbon neutrality" on 25th (Thu) – 26th (Fri) August 2022.



1.開催日時 令和4年8月25日(木) (15:00~18:30) 、26日(金)(9:00~14:45)
Date: 25th and 26th August, 2022 (Day 1: 15:00-18:30 and Day 2: 9:00-14:45)
2.形態   Zoomによるウェブ開催
Meeting format: Online meeting via ZOOM
3.主催   環境省
Host: Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan(MOEJ)
4.協力   グローバルCCSインスティテュート
Cooperation: Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI)
5.参加費  無料
Entry fee: Free
6.使用言語 日本語、英語(同時通訳有)
Language: Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation available at ZOOM system)
This symposium is open to public. To participate in this symposium, please visit the symposium registration website below for pre-registration (first-come-first-served basis and already finished).
8/25 (Day 1)  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_A2kuD5EWSe6MQwmLKo3Phw
8/26 (Day 2)  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__1Kgp92lSbuxeC_KpLEZQw
Program of "the 3rd CCUS and Hydrogen International Symposium"
Day 1: 25th August 2022 (Thu)
Time (JST) Section Speaker (Institution)
15:00-15:15 Opening and
Official Welcome Speech
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
<Current policy updates in CCUS/Hydrogen>
15:15-15:35 Keynote 1 Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (MOEJ)
“CCUS and Hydrogen in Japan - Overview of Policies and Project -”
15:35-15:55 Keynote 2 Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI)
“Introduction of Long-Term CCS Roadmap”
15:55-16:15 Keynote 3 Mr. Daryl Wilson (Hydrogen Council)
“Hydrogen Is Hot: What is really happening here?”
16:15-16:35 Keynote 4 Dr. Sara Budinis (International Energy Agency)
“IEA - CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions”
16:35-16:45 Break (10min)
<Current status of CCUS and Hydrogen in Europe/Middle East>
16:45-17:05 Speech 5 Dr. Mohammad Abu Zahra (Global CCS Institute)
Current Status of CCUS in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
17:05-17:25 Speech 6 MS. Guloren Turan (Global CCS Institute)
“Status of CCUS in Europe”
17:25-17:45 Speech 7 Ms. Kirsty Lynch (Storegga)
“Storegga a UK CCUS and Hydrogen Developer”
17:45-18:05 Q & A Q & A in Europe/Middle East section
18:05-18:10 Closing
Day 2: 26th August 2022 (Fri)
Time (JST) Section Speaker (Institution)
9:00-9:05 Opening
<Current status of CCUS and Hydrogen in North America>
9:05-9:25 Speech 8 Mr. Jeff Erikson (Global CCS Institute)
“CCUS and Hydrogen in North America”
9:25-9:45 Speech 9 Mr. Aaron Hood (Summit Carbon Solutions)
“Summit Carbon Solutions”
9:45-10:05 Speech 10 Ms. Tracy Lothian (Exxon Mobil Corporation)
“Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Solutions”
10:05-10:25 Q & A Q & A in North America section
10:25-13:00 Break (155min)
<Current status of CCUS and Hydrogen in Asia/Oceania>
13:00-13:20 Speech 11 Dr. Xiaoliang Yang (Global CCS Institute)
“Status & Trends of CCUS in China”
13:20-13:40 Speech 12 Mr. Alex Zapantis (Global CCS Institute)
“Current Status of CCS & Hydrogen in Australia”
13:40-14:00 Speech 13 Mr. Ricky McNally (CarbonNet Project)
“The CarbonNet Project – The Next Phase”
14:00-14:20 Speech 14 Mr. Chad Wilson (Santos)
“Santos - CCUS projects updates”
14:20-14:40 Q & A Q & A in Asia/Oceania section
14:40-14:45 Closing

