Workshop 2016

The Workshop 2016 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes was held from 6th to 8th September 2016, in Semarang, Indonesia. It was co-organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of Indonesia, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia (BCRC-SEA).



※All the documents have been uploaded with the consent of the copyright holders.

Small group brainstorming meeting on the implementation of takeback procedures in Asia

Secretariat 640KB 108KB

Opening Session

Japan 1.25MB  

Session 1: Updates of National Regulations, Implementation Status of the Basel Convention

Secretariat 451KB Brunei 341KB
Cambodia 437KB Hong Kong SAR 6.2MB
Indonesia 1.29MB Japan 1.64MB
Republic of Korea 531KB Lao PDR 442KB
Malaysia 2.14MB Myanmar 881KB
Philippines 1.08MB Singapore 694KB
Thailand 894KB Vietnam 1.09MB
RILO AP 2.76MB BCRC-China 1.88MB

Session 2: Possible actions to address difficulties for the implementation of takeback procedures in Asia

Secretariat 636KB Implementation and Compliance Committee 250KB
Thailand 934KB Singapore 576KB
Malaysia 962KB Indonesia 2.22MB
Hong Kong SAR 1.65MB IMPEL-TFS 736KB
BRS Secretariat 208KB  

Session 3: Outcomes of the 10th Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention

BRS Secretariat 283KB IDE-JETRO 386KB