
NanoGram Corporation 神部信幸


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  2. R.W. Siegel, Scientific American 275, 74-79 (1996).
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  5. Lux Research presentation, IEEE San Francisco Bay Area Nanotechnology Seminar, 1/20 (2009).
  6. N. Kambe, Skippy Frank Translational Medicine Fund Multidisciplinary Cancer Conference, Palo Alto, 1/16 (2009).
  7. Risk Analysis Workshop by the Society for Risk Analysis, Washington D.C., 9/10-11 (2008).
  8. JUNBA (Japanese University Network in the Bay Area) 2009, San Francisco, 1/13 (2009).
  9. Bio-physicochemical Interactions of Engineered Nanomaterials Workshop, UCLA, 9/9-11 (2007).
  10. 産業技術総合研究所第2期研究戦略、平成20年度版(2008).
  11. 2nd International Dialogue on R&D of Nanotechnology, Tokyo, 6/27-28 (2006).
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  13. 1MIT Energy Initiative, Short Course (2006); http://web.mit.edu/mitei別ウィンドウが開きます