
環境省 水鳥救護研修センター



著者 発行年 タイトル 出典
H.J.McDermott 1993 Selecting Protective Gloves for Oil Spill Response and Cleanup  
H.Kleerekoper 1974 Effects of Exposure to a Subacute Concentration of Parathion on the Interaction between Chemoreception and Water Flow in Fish  
H.M.Cekirge,M.Koch,C.Long,C.P.Giammona,K.Binkley, R.Engelhardt,R.Jamail 1995 State-of-the-Art Techniques in Oil Spill Modeling  
Haar, H. 1980 Erfolgreiche Pflege einer ermattet gefundenen Schleiereule (Tyto alba).  
Haines JR, Kleiner EJ, McClellan KA, Koran KM, Holder EL, King DW, Venosa AD. 2005 Laboratory evaluation of oil spill bioremediation products in salt and freshwater systems.  
Harbard, C., and J.Wolstencroft 1992 The ICBP/ NCWCD waterbird survey of the Gulf Coast of Saudi Arabia during November-December 1991.  
Harlan Henderson 2000 Dispersant Application On Oil Spills  
Harold O.Hodgins, Bruce B.McCain, and Joyce W.Hawkes 1977 Marine Fish and Invertebrate Diseases,Host Disease Resistance, and Pathological Effects of Petroleum
I. Introduction
II. Principal Diseases of Arctic and Subarctic Marine Species
III. Disease Resistance Mechanisms of Vertebrates and Invertebrates
IV. Effects of Petroleum on Disease and Disease Resistance
V. Prospectus
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (1) Barber, B., 1982: Keeping New Zealand's back door closed.N.Z. International Review 7 (3): 13-14.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (2) Barrett, P., 1979: The search for wealth.
N.Z. International Review 6 (6): 7.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (3) Beeby, C., 1982: Towards an Antarctic mineral resources regime. N.Z. International Review 7 (3): 4-6.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (4) Biomass Newsletter 1980 2 (3): 1.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (5) Biomass Newsletter 1981 3 (1): 1.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (6) Goethe, F., 1968: The effects of oil pollution on marine and coastal birds. Helgolaender Wissenchaftliche Meersesunter‐suchungen 17: 370-374.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (7) Gregory, M. R., 1982: Ross Sea hydrocarbon prospects and
the IXTOC 1 oil blowout, Campeche Bay, Gulf of
Mexico: Comparisons and lessons.
N.Z. Antarctic Record 4 (2): 40-45.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (8) Gross, A. O., 1960: The herring gull ― cormorant ―
control project. Proceedings of the International
Ornithological Congress 10: 532-536.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (9) Harper, P. C., et al. (in press): The status and conservation of birds in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica(160°E to 150°W). In I.C.B.P. Special Report.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (10) Knox, G. A., 1982: The Southern Ocean: an ecosystem under threat. N.Z. International Review 7 (3): 15-18.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (11) Shearer, I., 1981: Political and diplomatic aspects of Antarctica. N.Z. Foreign Affairs Review 31 (4): 5-8.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (12)
Taylor, R., and Wilson, P., 1982: Counting penguins from the air. Antarctic 9 (10) 366-368.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (13) Vermeer, K., and Anweiler, G. G., 1975: Oil threat to aquatic birds along the Yukon coast. The Wilson Bulletin 87 (4): 467-480.
Harper, P. C. 1983 Future of birds of Antarctica could be in jeopardy. (14) Young, E. C., 1981: The ornithology of the Ross Sea. Journal of the Royal Society of N.Z. 11 (4): 287-315.
Harrigan, K. E. 1992 Causes of mortality of little penguins Eudyptula minor in Victoria.  
Harris, M.P., S.Wanless 1997 Succesful rehabilitation of oiled Guilemots Uria aalge  
Harrison, C. S. 1992 The billion dollar tru$t fund.  
Harry Young, Larry Dietrick, Arthur Pilot, Geoff Harben, Mark Burger 1995 Developing the State On-Scene Coordinators' Course for Alaska  
Hart, S. 1987 Birds and oil pollution on Schouwen and Goeree beaches, 19 November 1987.  
Hartung, R. 1965 Some effects of oiling on reproduction of ducks. (1) Erickson, R. C. 1963. Oil pollution and migratorybirds. Atlantic Naturalist 18(1):5-14. Hartung, R. 1963. Ingestion of oil by water-fowl. Papers Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts, and Latters 48:49-55.-----. 1964. Some effects of oils on water-fowl.Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Michigan, ANN arbor. x + 190pp.
Hartung, R. 1965 Some effects of oiling on reproduction of ducks. (2) Rittinghaus, H. 1956. Etwas ?ber die “indirekte”Verbreitung der ?lpest in einem
Seevogelschutzgebiete. [On the “indirect” distribution of the oilpest in a sea bird
sanctuary.] Ornithologische Mittelungen 8 (3): 43-46.
Hartung, R. 1967 Energy metabolism in oil-covered ducks. (1) Dukes, H. H. 1947. The physiology of domestic animals. Comstock Publ. Co., Inc., Ithaca, New York. 817pp.
Erickson, R. C. 1963. Oil Pollution and migratory birds. Atlantic Naturalist 18(1):5-14.
Giles, L. A. Jr., And J. Livingston. 1960. Oil pollution of the seas. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. and Nat.Resources Conf. 25:297-302.
Hartung, R. 1963. Ingestion of oil by waterfowl.Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters 48:49-55.
Hartung, R. 1967 Energy metabolism in oil-covered ducks. (2) Hartung, R. 1963. Ingestion of oil by waterfowl.Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters 48:49-55.
Hawkes, A. L. 1961. A review of the nature and extent of damage caused by oil pollution at sea. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. and Nat.
Resources Conf. 26: 343-355.
Hartung, R. 1967 Energy metabolism in oil-covered ducks. (3) Hunt, G. S. 1961. Waterfowl losses on the lower Detroit River due to oil pollution. Pp10-26. In Proc. 4th Conf. Great Lakes Research, Pub. 7. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor. 213pp.
Kendeigh, S. C. 1944. Effect of air temperature on the rate of energy metabolism in the English sparrow. J. Exptl. Zool. 96(1):1-16.
Hartung, R. 1967 Energy metabolism in oil-covered ducks.(4) King, J. R., and D. S. Farner. 1961. Energy
metabolism, thermoregulation and body temperature. Pp. 215-288. In A. J. Marshall
(Editor), Biology and comparative physiology of birds. Vol. 2. Academic Press, New York. 468pp.
Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology. 5th ed Iowa State College Press, Ames. 534pp.
Hartung, R. 1967 Energy metabolism in oil-covered ducks.(5) Tuck, L. M. 1960. The murres: their distribution, populations and biology, a study of the genus Uria. Canadian Dept. Northern Affairs and Natl. Resources, Natl. Parks Br., Wildl. Serv., Ottawa.260pp.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (1) Bisogni, Jr., J. J. and A.W. Lawrence. 1975. J. Water Pollution Control Fed. 3: 135-152.
Dustman, E. H., L. F. Stickel, and J. B. Elder. 1972.Ann Arbor Sci. Publ., Ann Arbor, MI pp.46-52.
Borg, K., H. Wanntorp, K. Erne, and E. Hanko. 1969.Viltrevy 6: 301-379.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (2) Takeuchi, T. 1970. Ann Arbor Sci. Publ., Ann Arbor. MI pp.247-289.
Keith, J. A. and I. M. Gruchy. 1971. Roy. Soc. Can.Ottawa. Pp.91-98.
Johnels, A. G., and F. Westermark. 1969. In: Chemical Fallout. M. Miller and G. Berg. (Eds.) C C Thomas Publ. Springfield, Ill. pp. 221-241.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (3) Bellrose, F. C. 1951.Trans. N. Am. Wildl. Conf. 16: 125-135.
Bellrose, F. C. 1959. Ill. Natur. Hist. Sv. Bull. 27: 235-288.
Hunt, G. S. 1960. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. Conf. 25: 162-170.
Jordan, J. S. 1952. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. Michigan. 155pp.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (4) Berkson, J. 1944. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 39: 357-365.
Jordan, J. S. and F. C. Bellrose. 1951. Ill. Natur.Hist. Survey, Biol. Notes. 26: 27.
Anderson, D. A. and J. J. Hickey. 1972. Proc. 15th Intl. Ornithol Cong., Leiden. pp 514-540.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (5) Stickel, L. F. 1973. Chap. 7. Environmental Pollution by Pesticides. C. Edwards, (ed.)Plenum Press, New York. pp. 254-312.
Ratcliffe, D. A. 1970. J. Appl. Ecol. 7: 67-113.
Hartung, R. 1967. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 31: 798-804.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (6) Dennis, J. V. 1959. Am. Petrol. Inst., Div. Transport, Washington, D. C.
Foote, J. E. 1960. Game Div. Memo 254. Mich.Dept. Nat. Res. Lansing, MI 5 pp.
Giles, L. A. and J. Livingston. 1960. Trans. N. Am.Wildl. Conf. 25: 297-303.
Hartung, R. 1976 The impact of environmental pollutants on wildlife-an overview. (7) Hartung, R. and G. S. Hunt. 1966. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 30: 564-570.
Hartung, R. 1965. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 29: 872-874.
Rittinghaus. 1956. Ornithologische Mitteil.8: 43-46.
Hartung, R. 1995 Assessment of the potential for long-term toxicological effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on birds and mammals.  
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (1) Erickson, R. C. 1963. Oil pollution and migratorybirds. Atlantic Naturalist 18(1):5-14.
Freiman, D. C., H. Engelberg, and W. H. Merritt. 1940. Oil aspiration (lipid) pneumonia in adults. Arch.Int. Med. 66(1):11-38.
Folin, O., and H. Wu. 1919. A system of blood analysis. J.Biol. Chem. 38(1):81-110
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (2) Gaebler, O. H. 1945. Determination of bromsulphalein in normal, turbid, hemolyzed,
oricteric serums. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 15 (10) :452- 455.
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (3) Giles, L. A., Jr., and J. Livingston. 1960. Oil pollution of the seas. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. and Nat. Resources Conf. 25:297-302.
Hartung, R. 1963. Ingestion of oil by waterfowl.Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts, Letters 48:49-55????. 1964. Some effects of oils on waterfowl.Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor.190pp.
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (4) Hawkes, A. L. 1961. A review of the nature and extent of damage caused by oil pollution at sea.Trans. N.Am. Wildl. and Nat. Resources Conf.26:343-355
Johnson, T. A., and H. L. Bockus. 1940. Diagnostic significance of determinations of serumlipase.Arch.Int.Med.66(1):6277.Karmen, A. 1955. A note on the spectrophotometric assay of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase in human blood serum. J.Clin. Invest. 34(1)131-133.
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (5) Michel, H. O. 1949. An electrometric method for the determination of red blood cell and plasma cholinesterase activity. J. Lb. Clin. Med. 34(11) 1564-1568.
Richardson, F. 1956. Sea birds affected by oil from the freighter Seagate.Murrelet 37(1):20-22.
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (6) Schneider, L. 1949. Pulmonary hazard of the
ingestion of mineral oil in the apparrently
healthy adult. New England J. Med.240(8):284-291.
Selye, H. 1946. The general adaptation syndrome and the diseases of adaptation. J. Clin.Endocrinol. 6(2):117-230.
Hartung, R.,
and G. S. Hunt.
1966 Toxicity of some oils to waterfowl. (7) Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical methods applied to experiments in agriculture and biology. 5th ed. Iowa State College Press, Ames. 534pp. Sunderman, F. W., R. P. MacFate, D. A. MacFadyen,G. F. Stevenson, and B. E. Copeland. 1953.
Symposium on clnical hemoglobinometry. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 23(6):519-598.
Todd, J. C., A. H. Sanford, and B. B. Wells. 1953.
Clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods. 12th ed. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 998pp.
Hartwig, E., and S. Ludtke 1985/86 Auswirkungen 'schleichender' verolung auf die Vogelwelt im Bereich der Nordseeinsel Sylt im Winter 1984/85.  
Hartwig, E., B.Reineking, and E.Vauk Hentzelt 1985 Seevogelverluste durch Olpest an der deutschen Nordseekuste einschliesslich Helgoland in der Zeit von August 1983 bis April 1984.  
Harvey, S., H.Klandorf, and J.G.Phillips 1981 Reproductive performance and endocrine responses to ingested petroleum in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos).  
Harvey, S., J. G. Phillips, and P. J. Sharp 1982 Reproductive performance and endocrine responses to ingested North Sea oil.  
Harvey, S., P. J. Sharp, and J. G. Phillips 1982 Influence of ingested petroleum on the reproductive performance and pituitary-gonadal axis of domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos).  
Harwell MA, Gentile JH. 2006 Ecological Significance of residual exposures and effects from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. .  
Hastbacka, H. 1985 Oljekatastrofen i Norra Kvarken. Oil catastrophes in Norra Kvarken.  
Hatch, S. A. 1993 Population trends of Alaskan seabirds.  
Hayakawa K, Nomura M, Nakagawa T, Oguri S, Kawanishi T, Toriba A, Kizu R, Sakaguchi T, Tamiya E. 2006 Damage to and recovery of coastlines polluted with C-heavy oil spilled from the Nakhodka.  
Heneman, B. 1991 The Gulf War oil spills: the ICBP survey of the Saudi Arabian Gulf coast, March, 1991. A report to the ICBP and the NCWC and Development, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  
Henrik Rye 1995 A Multicomponent Oil Spill Model for Dissolved Aromatic Concentrations  
Henrik Rye, Per Johan Brandvik 1997 Verification of Subsurface Oil Spill Models  
Herbert R.Sanborn 1977 Effects of Petroleum on Ecosystems
I. Background
II. Habitats
III. Populations and Communities
IV. Ecosystems
V. Prospectus
VI. References
Heubeck, M. 1987a The Shetland beached bird survey, 1979-1986.  
Heubeck, M. 1987b Changes in the status of the common eider in Shetland, 1977-1984.  
Heubeck, M., E. Meek, and D. Suddaby 1992 The occurrence of dead auks Alcidae on beaches in Orkney and Shetland, 1976-1991.  
Heubeck, M., M.G.Richardson, I.H.J.Lyster, and R.Y.McGowen 1993 Post-mortem examination of great northern divers Gavia immer killed by oil pollution in Shetland, 1979.  
Hilary Hoagland-Grey, David Archer 1995 Oil Spill Response Planning in Eastern Europe: A Bulgarian Case Study  
Hjemquist, B. 1982 Olja i fagelskyddsomraden - bekampning och sanering. Oil and bird sanctuaries - control and cleaning up.  
Hlady, D.A., and A.E.Burger 1993 Drift-block experiments to analyse the mortality of oiled seabirds off Vancouver Island, British Columbia.  
Hogan,M.E, and D.B.Irons 1988 Waterbirds and marine mammals.  
Holcomb, J. 1991 Overview of bird search and rescue and response efforts during the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  
Holden A.V. 1973 Effects of Pesticide Resides on Fish  
Holfman, D. J. 1978 Embryotoxic effects of crude oil in mallard ducks and chicks.  
Holfman, D. J. 1979a Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in mallards (Anas platyrmachos).  
Holfman, D. J. 1979b Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of crued oil on mallard embryos on day one of development.  
Holfman, D. J. 1979c Embryotoxic effects of crude oil containing nickel and vanadium in Mallards.  
Holfman, D.J., and M.L.Gay 1981 Embryotoxic effects of benzo(a)pyrene,chrysene and 7.12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene in petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures in mallard ducks.  
Holmes, W. N., J. Cronshaw, and J. Gorsline 1978b Some effects of ingested petroleum on seawater-adapted ducks(Anas platyrhynchos).    
Holmes, W.N., J.Gorsline, and J.Cronshaw 1979 Effects of mild cold stress on the survival of seawater-adapted Mallard ducks(Anas platyrhynchos) maintained on food contaminated with petroleum.  
Holmes, W.N.,K.P.Cavanaugh, and J.Cronshaw 1978A The effects of ingested petroleum on oviposition and some aspects of reproduction in experimental colonies of mallard ducks(Anas platyrhynchos).  
Hope Jones, P. 1978 The Orkney contract: intensive survey strategies.  
Hope Jones, P., and P.J.Morgan 1979 Collection and use of oiled seabirds in Wales.  
Hope Jones, P., and P.K.Kinnear 1979 Moulting eiders in Orkney and Shetland.  
Hope Jones, P., G. Howells, E. I. S. Reese, and J. Wilson 1970 Effects of ‘Hamilton Trader’ oil on birds in the Irish Sea in May 1969. (1) Bourne, W. R. P., Parrack, J. D., and Potts, G. R.1967. ‘Birds killed in the Torrey Canyon disaster’. Nature, 215: 1123-1125. Coulson, J. C., Potts, G. R., Deans, I. R., and Fraser, S. M. 1968. ‘Exceptional mortality of Shags and other seabirds caused by paralytic shellfish poisoning’. Brit. Birds, 61: 381-404.
Hope Jones, P., G. Howells, E. I. S. Reese, and J. Wilson 1970 Effects of ‘Hamilton Trader’ oil on birds in the Irish Sea in May 1969. (2) Harvey, J. 1968. ‘The movements of sea-bed and sea- surface drifters in the Irish Sea, 1965-1967’. Sarsia, 34: 227-242.
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Hope Jones, P., G. Howells, E. I. S. Reese, and J. Wilson 1970 Effects of ‘Hamilton Trader’ oil on birds in the Irish Sea in May 1969. (3) Ramster, J. W. 1965. ‘Tth circulation of the eastern Irish Sea’. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, C.M. 1965, Hydrographical Committee No.99. 5 pp.
Reynolds, G. 1956. ‘A wind analysis for the northern Irish Sea’. Quart. J. Roy. Met.Soc., 82: 469-480.
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Hope Jones, P., G. Howells, E. I. S. Reese, and J. Wilson 1970 Effects of ‘Hamilton Trader’ oil on birds in the Irish Sea in May 1969. (4) Smith, J. E.(ed.) 1968.‘Torrey Canyon’ Pollution and Marine Life. Cambridge.
Tomczak, G. 1964. ‘Investigations with drift cards to determine the influence of the wind on surface currents’. In Studies on Oceanography (ed K. Yoshida): 129-139.
Hope Jones, P., J.Y.Monnat, and M.P.Harris 1982 Origins age and sex of auks (Alcidae) killed in the 'Amoco Cadiz' oiling incident in Brittany, March 1978.  
Hope Jones, P., J.Y.Monnat,C.J. Cadbury, and T.J.Stowe 1978 Birds oiled during the Amoco Cadiz incident - an interim report  
Howard J.Teas,Richard Lessard,Gerard P.Canevari,Claude D.Brown,Raymond Glenn 1993 Saving Oiled Mangroves Using a new Non-Dispersing Shoreline Cleaner  
Huebeck, M. 1993 Moult flock surveys indicate a continued decline in the Shetland eider population, 1984-92.  
Hugh D.Williams,Gunnar Kr.Gangsaas 1993 Offshore Oil Spill Recovery Operations in the PERSIAN GULF  
Hughes, M.R., C.Kassera, and B.R.Thomas 1990 Effect of externally applied bunker fuel on body mass and temperature, plasma concentration, and water flux of glaucous-winged gulls, Larus glaucescens.  
Humphrey, B., P.D.Boehm, M.C.Hamilton, and R.J.Norstrom 1987 The fate of chemically dispersed and untreated crude oil in Arctic benthic biota.  
Hurst, R., R. Schweinsburg, and I. Stirling 1985 Beaufort Environmental Monitoring Project 1983-1984. Hypothesis No. 9. Effects of chronic/episodic oil spills resulting from normal petroleum hydrocarbon development activities within and adjacent to the marine environment on polar bears.  
Hurst, R.J., P.D.Watts, and N.A.Oritsland 1991 Metabolic compensation in oil-exposed polar bears.  
Hurst,R.J., and N.A.Oritsland 1982 Polar bear thermoregulation: Effects of oil on the insulative properties of fur.  
Hussein Bin Rahmat, Mohd Radzuan Bin Yusof 1995 Industry,Government,and Regional Efforts in Oil Spill Contingency Planning:Malaysia's Perspectives  

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