
環境省 水鳥救護研修センター



著者 発行年 タイトル 出典
B.Humphrey,E.Owens,G.Sergy 1993 Development of a Stranded Oil in Coarse Sediment(SOCS) Model  
B.V.A. 1967 Oil Pollution of Animals and Birds in South-West England  
Babarro EL, Maki AW, Moulton LL, Parker KR. 2006 Results from a sixteen year study on the effects of oiling from the Exxon Valdez on adult pink salmon returns. .  
Babarro JM, Reiriz MJ, Garrido JL, Labarta U. 2006 Free amino acid composition in juveniles of Mytilus galloprovincialis: spatial Variability after Prestige oil spill.  
Bailey, J., R.Owens et. al 1992 The discharge of drill cuttings contaminated with oil-based drilling muds during hydrocarbon exploration or production will reduce populations of fish, birds or mammals, or will decrease the harvest of these resources due to hydrocarbon accumulation  
Baillie, S. R., and C. J. Mead 1982 The effect of severe oil pollution during the winter of 1980-81 on British and Irish auks.  
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(1) Andrews, J. H. and Standring, K. T. (eds) 1979. Marine oil Pollution and Birds. RSPB Sandy.
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(2) Baillie, S. R. and Mead, C. J. 1982. The effect of severe oil pollution during the winter of 1980-81 on British and Irish Auks. Ringing and Migration 4: 33-44. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(3) Bourne, W. R. P. 1976. Seabirds and Pollutionpp403-502. In: Johnston, R (ed) Marine Pollution. Academic Press, London. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(4) Bourne, W. R. P. and Bibby, C. J. 1975. Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurrence of oiled birds on west European beaches. Mar. Poll. Bull. 6: 77-80. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(5) Brown, R. G. B. (1982) Birds, oil and the Canadian environment. pp 105-112. In: Sprague, J. B. Vandermeulen, J. H. and Wells P. G. (eds) Oil and dispersants in Canadian seas - research appraisal and recommendations. Environment Canada, Environmental Protection Service Peport. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(6) Galbraith, H., Russeli., S. and Furness, R. W. 1981. Movements and mortality of Isle of May Shags as shown by ringing overies. Ringing ? Migration. 3: 181-189. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(7) Kuyken, E. 1978. Beached bird surveys in Belgium. Ibis 120: 122-123.
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(8) Mead, C. J. 1974. The results of ringing auks in Britain and Ireland. Bird Study 21: 45-86. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(9) Mead, C. J. and O'Connor, R. J. 1980. Seabird ringing recoveies and oil pollution. Evidence to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. British Trust for Ornithology, Tring. .
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(10) Sokal, R. R. and Rohlf, F. J. 1981. Biometry. W. H. Freeman& Co., San Francisco.
Baillie, S. R., and T.J.Stowe 1984 A comparison between the percentage of seabirds reported as oiled from ringing recoveries and from the beached bird survey..(11) Stowe, T. J. 1982. Beached bird surveys and surveillance of cliff-breeding seabirds. Unpublished RSPB Report to the Nature Conservancy Council.
Bak, R. P. M. 1987 Effects of chronic oil pollution on a Caribbean coral reef.  
Ball P. 2006 Prestige is factored into journal ratings.  
Balseiro A, Espi A, Marquez I, Perez V, Ferreras MC, Marin JF, Prieto JM. 2005 Pathological features in marine birds affected by the prestige's oil spill in the north of Spain.  
Baptist, H.J.M. 1988 Presence of birds in the Voordelta area during and prior to the Borcea oil incident, December 1987 - January 1988.  
Barbara E.Ornitz 1997 Prevention Through People  
Barbara Hostage,Gerain Perry 1993 Federal Notification Requirements for Releases of Oil and Hazardous Substances  
Barber, W.E., L.L.McDonald, W.P.Erickson, M.Vallarino 1995 Effect of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on intertidal fish: A field study.  
Barnett A.Rattner,Victor P. Eroschenko,Glen A.Fox, D.Michael Fry,and Jane Gorsline 1984 Avian Endocrine Responses to Environmental Pollutants  
Barrett, R. T. 1979 Small oil spill kills 10-20,000 seabirds in north Norway.  
Barry McFarland, Kim Estes 1997 From Training to Testing:Detailes of an Agressive Drill and Exercise Program  
Barry McFarland,John Murphy,Debra Simecek- Beatty 1993 Conventions for Reporting and Displaying Overflight Observations  
Barry, T., J.Bunch, B.Danielewicz, R.Everitt, T.Jandali, S.Johnson, J.McDonald, J.Marko, and H.Melling 1985 Beaufort Environmental Monitoring Project 1983-1984. Hypothesis No. 11. Effects of oil in open water areas around offshore structures during periods of ice cover on eiders and diving ducks.  
Barry, T., J.Bunch, W.Duval, B.Everitt, F.Guimont, S.Johnson, J.McComiskey, R.Schweinsburg, D.Thomas, and D.Wolfe 1985 Beaufort Environmental Monitoring Project 1983-1984. Hypothesis No.10. The effects of chronic (episodic) oil spills resulting from normal petroleum development activities on birds.  
Benjamin G.Patten 1977 Sublethal Biological Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposures: Fish
I. Introduction
II. Behavior
III. Physiology
IV. Delayed Effects
V. Prospectus
Berg, A. B. van den 1991 Vogel nach dem Golfkrieg.  
Bergmann, P. A. 1991 Implementation and revision of the wildlife protection guidelines for Alaska's federal on-scene coordinators.  
Bernard Bennett 1995 Lessons Learned: The Methodology of Conducting Oil Spill Response Training  
Bernard Bennett 1997 United Kingdom Training Standards:Implementation and Accreditation  
Bernhard H.Metzger, Edgue Zholdasov, Philip Manella, Gulmira Khobdabergenova, David I.Little, Erich R.Gundlach 1995 Environmental Sensitivity and Protection for the Northeast Caspian Sea  
Berthou, F., G.Balouet, G.Bodennec, and M.Marchand 1987 The occurrence of hydrocarbons and histopathological abnormalities in oysters for seven years following the wreck of the Amoco Cadiz in Brittany (France).  
Bibby, C. J. 1981 An experiment on the recovery of dead birds from the North  Sea.  
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (1) Beer, J. V. (1968). Observations on the dispersalof gulls marked on Steepholm and the Denny.A. Rep. Steep Holm Gull Res. Stn, 4-10.
Bourne, W. R. P. & Devlin, T. R. (1969) Birds and oil. Birds, 2, 176-9.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (2) Bourne, W. R. P. & Devlin, T. R. (1970) International beached bird survey 1969. Birds,3, 12-13.
Bourne, W. R. P. & Devlin, T. R. (1971) The pollution plot thickens. Birds, 3, 190-2.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (3) Bourne, W. R. P. & Bibby, C. J. (1975) Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurrence of oiled birds on west
European beaches. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 6, 73-80.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (4) Coulson, J. C., Potts, G. R., Deans, I. R. & Fraser, S. M. (1968). Exceptional mortality of shags and other seabirds caused by paralytic shellfish poisoning. Br. Birds, 61, 381-404.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (5) Greenwood, J. J. D., Donally, R. J., Feare, C. J.,Gordon, Nancy J. & Waterson, G. (1971). A massive wreck of oiled birds: Northeast Britain, winter 1970. Scott. Birds, 6, 235-50.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (6) Holdgate, M. W. (1971). The seabird wreck in the Irish Sea, autumn 1969.Publs. Natn. Environ. Res. Coun., Ser. C, No. 4.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (7) Hope Jones, P., Howells, G., Reese, E. I. S. & Wilson, J. (1970). Effect of Hamilton Trader oil on birds in the Irish Sea in May 1969. Br. Birds,63, 97-110.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (8) Lloyd, C. S., Bogan, J. A., Bourne, W. R. P., Dawson, P., Parslow, J. L. F. & Stewart, A. G. (1974). Seabird mortality in the north Irish Sea and Firth of Clyde early in 1974. Mar. Pollut. Bull.,5, 136-40.
Bibby, C. J., and C. S. Lloyd 1977 Experiments to determine the fate of dead birds at sea. (9) Phillips, A. (1969). Sea-bed water movements in Morecambe Bay. The Dock and Harbour Authority, 49, No. 580.
Ramster, J. W. (1973). The residual circulation of the northern Irish Sea, with particular reference to Liverpool Bay. Fisheries Laboratory Technical Report Series, No. 5. Lowestoft, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Bill Lehr,Debra Simecek-  Beatty,Debbie Payton,Jerry Galt,Glen Watabayashi,   Robert D.Martin,and Ruben Solis 1997 Trajectory Prediction for Barge Buffalo 292 Spill  
Birder 1999 第2回 油汚染対策推進研修会  
BIRDER編集部 1997 緊急レポート. 重油流出事故の影響  
Birdsall, A., A.Cullen, R.Davis, H.Melling, D.Mossop, J.Payne, J.Scullion, D.Thomas, J.Ward, and T.Webb 1986 Chronic (Episodic) Oil Spills Resulting from Normal Petroleum Hydrocarbon Development Activities within and Adjacent to The Marine Environment Will Result in Local Mortality of Certain Species of Birds  
Bjorge, R. R. 1987 Bird kill at an oil industry flare stack in northwest Alberta  
Bjorn M.Jenssen, Morten Ekker, and Claus Bech 1985 Thermoregulation in a Naturally Oil-Contaminated Black-Billed Murre Uria aalge  
Bjorn Munro Jenssen and Morten Ekker 1989 Rehabilitation of Oiled Birds:a Physiological Evaluation of Four Cleaning Agents  
Bjorn Munro Jenssen and Morten Ekker 1988 A Method for Evaluating The Cleaning of Oiled Seabirds  
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (1) Anker‐Nilssen, T. & R?stad, O. W. (1981).
Undres?kelser over oljeskadede sj?fugler i
forbindelse med oljekatastrofen i Skagerak
desember 1980/januar 1981.
Oslo, Norway: Zoological Museum, Gars Gate.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (2) Bedard, J. (1969). Adaptive radiation in Alcidae.
Ibis 111: 189-198.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (3) Belopol'skii, L. O. (1957). Ecology of sea colony birds of the Barents Sea. Moscow Acad. Sci. Translated 1961.Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (4) Evans, P. G. H. (1981). Ecology and behaviour of the Little Auk Alle alle in West Greenland. Ibis 123: 1-18.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (5) Harris, M. P. & Hislop, J. R. G. (1978). The food of young Puffins Fratercula arctica. J. Zool., Lond. 185: 213-236.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (6) Hedgren, S. (1976). On the food of the Guillemot Uria aalge at the island of Stora Karls?, the Baltic Sea.V?r F?gelv?rld 35: 287-290.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (7) Krasnow, L. D., Sanger, G. A. & Wiswar, D. W. (1979). Nearshore feeding ecology of marine birds in the Kodiak area, 1978. In Environmental assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf: Annual reports of principle investigators for the year ending March 1979. 2: 348-394. Receptors─Birds. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Interior, Bueau of Land Management.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (8) Madsen, F. J. (1957). On the food habits of some
fish‐catching birds in Denmark.
Dan. Rev. Game Biol. 3: 19-83.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (9) Mead, C. J. (1974). The results of ringing auks in
Britain and Ireland. Bird Study, 21, 46-86.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (10) Ogi, H. & Tsujita, T. (1977). Food and feeding habits of Common Murre and Thick‐billed Murre in the Okhotsk Sca in summer, 1972 and 1973. Contr. Res. Inst. N. Pacif. Fish., Hokkaido Univ. No. 96.(Special Volome): 459-517.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (11) Pearson, T. H. (1968). The feeding biology of
sea‐bird species breeding on the Farne Islands,
Northumberland. J. Anim. Ecol. 37, 521-552.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (12) Sanger, G. A., Jones, Jr., R. D. & Wiswar, D. W. (1979). Nearshore feeding ecology of marine birds in the Kodiak area, 1978. In Environmental assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf: Annual reports of principle investigators for the year ending March 1979. 2: 309-347. Receptors―Birds. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (13) Swennen,C. & Duiven, P. (1977). Size of food objects of three fish‐eating seabird species: Uria aalge, Alca torda and Fratercula arctica (Aves, Alcidae). Neth. J. Sea Res. 11: 92-98.
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Zemlaya. Department of Northern Affairs and
National Resources, Canada. Translations of
Russian Game Reports 4.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (15) Wheeler, A. (1979). Key to the fishes of northern Europe.London: Frederick Warne.
Blake, B. F. 1983 A comparative study of the diet of auks killed during an oil incident in the Skagerrak in January 1981 (16) Winslade, P. (1974). Behavioural studies on the lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus (Raitt)I. The effect food availability on activity and the role of olfaction in food detection. J. Fish Biol. 6: 565-576.
Bob Wilkerson Terry Lauder 1997 Communicating the Risks of an Oil Spill : Why, When, and How?  
Bob Wilkerson, Tony Shelton, Allen Caudle 1997 Media Relations in the Oil Fields  
Bobbie Lively-Diebold, Gregory DeMarco, David Gilder, Juliet Fried 1997 Federal Spill Prevention Programs:Could a“One Plan”Approach Work?  
Bobbie Lively-Diebold, Gregory DeMarco, Elisabeth Morgan, Philip Rizzi 1995 Making Sense of Multiple Response Planning Requirements  
Bobbie Lively-Diebold, Susan M.Davis 1995 The Vulnerability Analysis: Evaluating Effects of Oil Discharges on the Environment  
Bobbie Lively-Diebold,William Driscoll,Paul Ameer,Steve Watson 1993 Storage of Oil Above Ground or Underground:Regulations,Costs,and Risks  
Bobbie Lively-Diebold, Paul Ameer, Gary Yoshioka, Justin Anand 1995 Liability Incentives for Reducing the Costs of Oil Spills  
Bodin, P. 1991 Perturbations in the reproduction cycle of some harpacticoid copepod species further to the Amoco Cadiz oil spill.  
Bodkin, J.L., D.Mulcahy, and C.J.Lensink 1993 Age-specific reproduction in female sea otters (Enhydra lutris) from south-central Alaska: Analysis of reproductive tracts.  
Boehm PD, Page DS, Brown JS, Neff JM, Edward Bence A. 2005 Comparison of mussels and semi-permeable membrane devices as intertidal monitors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at oil spill sites.  
Boehm, P.D., M.S.Steinhauer, D.R.Green, B.Fowler, B.Humphrey, D.L.Fiest, and W.J.Cretney 1987 Comparative fate of chemically dispersed and beached crude oil in subtidal sediments of the Arctic nearshore.  
Boersma, P. D. 1986 Ingestion of petroleum by seabirds can serve as a monitor of water quality.  
Boersma, P.D., E.M.Davies, and W.V.Reid 1988 Weathered crude oil effects on chicks of fork-tailed storm-petrels (Oceanodroma furcata).  
Boersma, P.D., J.K.Parrish, and A.B.Kettle 1995 Common murre abundance, phenology, and productivity on the Barren Islands, Alaska: the Exxon Valdez oil spill and long-term environmental change.  
Borowsky, B., P.Aitken-Ander, and J.T.Tanacredi 1993 The effects of low doses of waste crankcase oil on Melita nitida Smith (Crustacea: Amphipoda).  
Boucher, G. 1985 Long-term monitoring of meiofauna densities after the Amoco Cadiz oil spill.  
Bou-Olayan, A.H., S.Al-Mattar, S.Al-Yakoob, and S.Al-Hazeem 1995 Accumulation of lead, cadmium, copper and nickel by pearl oyster, Pinctada radiata, from Kuwait marine environment.  
Bouquegneau, J.M.,V.Debacker, N.Antoine, F.Coignoul, L.Holsbeek,T.Jauniaux, G.Tapia, C.Joiris 1994 Causes de mortalite et teneur en metaux lourds de guillemots de troil Uria aalge echoues le long du littoral Belge.  
Bourne, B. 1991 Bird migrants and smoke over the Gulf.  
Bourne, W. R. P. 1978 Ornithological damage caused by the Amoco Cadiz disaster.  
Bourne, W. R. P. 1979 The oil scene.  
Bourne, W. R. P. 1981 Winter colony attendance by auks and the danger of oil pollution.  
Bourne, W. R. P. 1982a Concentrations of Scottish seabirds vulnerable to oil pollution  
Bourne, W. R. P. 1982b Recovery of guillemot colonies.  
Bourne, W.R.P. 1994 Special review: the impact of the Gulf War.  
Bourne, W.R.P., and C.J.Bibby 1975 Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurence of oiled birds on west European beaches. (1) Anthony, A. W. (1894). Zoe, 4, 364-365.
Baker, J. M. Proc. Conf. On Marine Ecology and Oil Pollution, Aviemore, 21-23 April 1975. Institute of Petroleum (in preparation).
Bibby, C. J. & Bourne, W. R. P. (1971). Birds,3, 307-309.
Bibby, C. J. & Bourne, W. R. P. (1972). Birds, 4, 160-162.
Bourne, W.R.P., and C.J.Bibby 1975 Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurence of oiled birds on west European beaches. (2) Bibby, C. J. & Bourne, W. R. P. (1974). Birds, 5, 30-31.
Birkhead, T. R., Lloyd, C. & Corkhill, P. (1973). Brit. Birds, 66, 535-537.
Blumer, M., Erhard, M. & Jones, J. H. (1973). Deep-Sea Res., 20, 239-259.
Bourne, W. R. P. (1968). Fld. Std., 2, suppl., 99-121.
Bourne, W.R.P., and C.J.Bibby 1975 Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurence of oiled birds on west European beaches. (3) Bourne, W. R. P. (1969). Seabird Bull., 7, 3-9.
Bourne, W. R. P. (1970a). Ibis, 112, 120-125.
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Bourne, W.R.P., and C.J.Bibby 1975 Temperature and the seasonal and geographical occurence of oiled birds on west European beaches. (7) Greenwood, J. J. D., Donally, R. J., Feare, C.J.,Gordon, N. J. & Waterston, G.(1971). Scott.Birds., 6, 235-250
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Bowman, T.D., P.F.Schempf, and J.A.Bernatowicz 1995 Bald eagle survival and population dynamics in Alaska after the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  
Bowyer, R.T., J.W.Testa, J.B.Faro, C.C.Schwartz, and J.B.Browning 1994 Changes in diets of river otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska:effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  
Bradley N.Balch 1997 Oil Spills in the Chesapeake Bay (1985-1994)  
Bragg, J.R., R.C.Prince, E.J.Harner, and R.M.Atlas 1994 Effectiveness of bioremediation for the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  
Braham, H. W. 1990 Scientific investigations of the National Marine Mammal Laboratory, 1989.  
Brannon, E.L., T.P.Quinn, R.P.Whitman, A.E.Nevissi, R.E.Nakatani, and C.D.Mcauliffe 1986 Homing of adult chinook salmon after brief exposure to whole and dispersed crude oil.  
Brian A.Wrenn, Makram T.Suidan, Kevin L.Strohmeier, B.Loye Eberhardt, Gregory J.Wilson, Albert D.Venosa 1995 Nutrient Retention in the Bioremediation Zone of a Sandy Beach  
Brian E.Sharp 1995 Post-release survival of oiled,cleaned seabirds in North America  
Broman, D., and B.Hjernquist 1982 Storsta oljespillet for svenska Ostersjon. [The largest oil slick for Sweden's Baltic Sea.]  
Broman, D., C. Lindblad 1981 Oljesanering? Biologiska effekter av hetvattensanering. Oil cleansing? The biological effects of hot water cleansing.  
Bruce McKenzie,Norman Ingram 1993 Mutual aid in Oil Spill Response: The Alaskan North Slope Model  
Burger, A. E. 1992 The effects of oil pollution on seabirds off the west coast of Vancouver Island.  
Burger, A. E. 1993a Mortality of seabirds assessed from beached-bird surveys in southern British Columbia.  
Burger, A. E. 1993b Estimating the mortality of seabirds following oil spills: effects of spill volume.  
Burger, J. 1997 Effects of oiling on feeding behavior of sanderlings and semipalmated plovers in new jersey.  
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
List of Figures and Tables
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
List of Figures and Tables
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter One
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Two
A Brief History of Oil
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Three
Early Oil Spills: From the Torrey Canyon to the Mid-1980s
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Four
Modern Oil Spills: From the Exxon Valdez to the Present
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Five
Oil Spills in an Environmental Context
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Six
Initial Responses to Oil Spills
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Seven
Cleanup, Rehabilitation, and Damage Assessment
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Eight
Effects on Vegetation
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Nine
Effects on Invertebrates and Fish
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Ten
Effects on Birds
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Eleven
Effects on Mammals and Sea Turtles
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Twelve
Effects on Humans
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Thirteen
Hazards, Risk, and Perceptions
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Chapter Fourteen
Alternatives and the Future
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Species Mentioned in the Text
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Selected Readings
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Subject Index
Burger, J. 1997 Oil spills
Species Index
Burger, J., and M.Gochfeld 1992 Effects of washing fiddler crabs (Uca pugnax) following an oil spill.  
Burger, J., J.Brzorad, and M.Gochfeld 1991 Immediate effects of an oil spill on behavior of fiddler crabs (Uca pugnax).  
Burger, J., J.Brzorad, and M.Gochfeld 1992 Effects of an oil spill on emergence and mortality in fiddler crabs Uca pugnax.  
Burgherr P. 2006 In-depth analysis of accidental oil spills from tankers in the context of global spill trends from all sources .  
Burns, K.A., S.D.Garrity, D.Jorissen, J.MacPherson, M.Stoelting, J.Tierney, and L.Yelle-Simmons 1994 The Galeta oil spill: II. Unexpected persistence of oil trapped in mangrove sediments.  
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