Nature Conservation Efforts

Yakushima National Park Volunteer Association

Park Volunteers at National Parks

In addition to widespread calls for citizens to participate in various activities at national parks, such as providing explanations of nature observation events, undertaking beautification and cleaning work, and carrying out simple maintenance and repairs of visitor facilities, efforts are made to further expand those activities. People who freely cooperate in these activities to raise awareness of nature protection are registered as park volunteers.
There are now volunteers in thirty five areas at national parks throughout Japan conducting numerous activities in line with activity plans tailored to the particular needs of each area.
Recruiting of park volunteers is in the hands of the Regional Environment Office in each area. Various requirements apply when registering as a volunteer, including receiving training upon recruitment. Volunteers are recruited only when it is necessary to increase numbers or launch park volunteer activities in a new area.

Yakushima National Park Volunteer Association

1. Objectives and Members

This organization began work in January 1996 to care for the natural environment of Yakushima Island, promote its proper use, and exchange information and cultivate friendship between association members. Members consist of full members registered as park volunteers after receiving training, and associate members wishing to become park volunteers. As of August 2021, the organization had thirteen full members and fourteen associate members. The secretariat is located in the Yakushima World Heritage Conservation Center.

Park Volunteer activity group photo. The yellow-green banner at center identifies the group. A day for smiles and friendship.

2. Activities

  1. Beautification and cleaning, maintenance and repair of facilities, and removal of invasive species from within the park.
  2. Collection of real-time information on animals and plants on the island, including the park.
  3. Raise awareness of proper protection and use of national parks.
  4. Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the association.
Park volunteers cleaning up trash on the beach. Park volunteers collect the large amounts of garbage drifting in from the sea.
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