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Health / Chemicals
Titles | Dates | Conferences Name | Links | Contact Information | Notes |
Japan’s Commitment on the Minamata Convention on Mercury ~Voice from Minamata t o the World~ |
Sep, 2015 |
Office of Mercury Management Environmental Health Department |
Oct.2.2016 | ICRP Dialog Seminar |
ICRP Dialogue initiative |
Radiation Health Management Office Environmental Health Department |
Annual Report on the Environment, the Sound Material-Cycle Society and Biodiversity |
Oct, 2016 |
Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau |
Mar, 2016 |
Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau |
Poster Exhibition on the Fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management |
Sep. 28, 2015 | Forth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management(ICCM4) |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Jan. 25, 2016 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Jan. 25, 2016 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Jan. 25, 2016 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Progress in the Implementation of SAICM National Implementation Plan of Japan |
Jan. 25, 2016 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Jan. 25, 2016 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Oct. 1, 2015 | Expert Meeting Regarding the Status of Health Management of Residents Following the Accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station |
Radiation Health Management Office |
Lessons from Minamata Disease and Mercury Management in Japan [PDF 1,690KB] |
May. 1, 2013 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
all rights reserved | ||
Oct. 01, 2014 |
Chemical Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department |
all rights reserved | |||
Latest Development of Chemical Substances Control Law in Japan [PDF 3,542KB] |
Nov. 13, 2014 | Open Seminar on Chemicals Management Policies among China, Japan and Korea |
Network for Strategic Response on International Chemical Management |
Chemical Evaluation Office, Environmental Health Department |
all rights reserved |
Poster Exhibition on Sixth session of the Intergovernmental negotiating committee on mercury (INC 6) |
Nov. 03, 2014 | Sixth session of the Intergovernmental negotiating committee on mercury (INC 6) |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Recent Development of Environmental Policies in Japan [PDF 1,969KB] |
Sep. 25, 2012 |
International Cooperation Office, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau |
Annual Report on the Environment, the Sound Material-Cycle Society, and Biodiversity in Japan |
Aug, 2012 |
Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau |
Aug, 2012 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
Initiatives of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan [PDF 456KB] |
Jun. 21, 2012 | Rio+20 |
International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau |
May. 4, 2012 | TEMM14 |
International Cooperation Office, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau |
The Fourth Basic Environment Plan |
Apr. 27, 2012 |
Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau |
Report of Environmental Survey and monitoring of Chemicals, FY2011 |
Mar, 2012 |
Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department |
The JECS International Symposium in Kitakyushu, Japan (The slides for presentation) [PDF 358KB] |
Feb. 28, 2012 | The JECS International Symposium in Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012 |
Environmental Risk Assessment Office Environmental Health Department |
The JECS International Symposium in Kitakyushu, Japan (Programme & Abstracts) |
Feb. 28, 2012 | The JECS International Symposium in Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012 |
Environmental Risk Assessment Office Environmental Health Department |
Inquiries to MOEJ for individual case studies of this international symposium are not accepted. | |
The Exposure to Dioxins and other chemical compounds in the Japanese People 2012 [PDF 4,457KB] |
2012 |
Environmental Risk Assessment Office Environmental Health Department |
Japan's Lessons on Overcoming Environmental Pollution [PDF 1,479KB] |
Aug. 24, 2010 |
International Cooperation Office, Environmental Management Bureau |
All rights reserved |