MOE > Environmental Policy > ETV > Use of the Logo
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Target Technology Fields Fields Currently Targeted Small hydropower generation technology field Global warming mitigation technology field (lighting energy reduction technologies) Human waste treatment in natural areas: human waste treatment technology field Organic wastewater treatment technology field Water environment improvement technologies in enclosed coastal seas field Water purification technologies for lakes and reservoirs field Heat-island mitigation technology field (technologies for reducing air conditioning loads by using building envelope systems) Heat-island mitigation technology field (heat pump air-conditioning systems using ground source heat, wastewater heat, etc.) Simplified VOC, etc. measurement technology field
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Use of the Logo


A technology verified under the ETV Program is issued with the ETV logo. There are two types of ETV logo: common logo representing information common to all technology fields and field-specific logo featuring a specific field.

Common Logo Field-Specific Logo
ETV in the common logo stands
for Environmental Technology Verification.
A field-specific logo carries specific information
on the relevant technology field.

Common Logo
Field-Specific Logo

Example: Field-specific logo for technologies for reducing air conditioning loads by using building envelope systems.