MOE > Environmental Policy > ETV > Global warming mitigation technology field (lighting energy reduction technologies)
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Target Technology Fields Fields Currently Targeted Small hydropower generation technology field Global warming mitigation technology field (lighting energy reduction technologies) Human waste treatment in natural areas: human waste treatment technology field Organic wastewater treatment technology field Water environment improvement technologies in enclosed coastal seas field Water purification technologies for lakes and reservoirs field Heat-island mitigation technology field (technologies for reducing air conditioning loads by using building envelope systems) Heat-island mitigation technology field (heat pump air-conditioning systems using ground source heat, wastewater heat, etc.) Simplified VOC, etc. measurement technology field
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Target Technology Fields

Global warming mitigation technology field (lighting energy reduction technologies)

Outline of the Field
Background and Related Information
List of Verified Technologies
Lighting for building and housesLighting for building and houses
reduction of lighting energy using reflectors, etc.reduction of lighting energy using reflectors, etc.
List of Verified Technologies
Outline of the Field

Outline of Technologies

The target technologies are those contributing to the reduction of energy consumption as required for the achievement of an optimum lighting environment for everyday work as well as everyday life.

Examples of Target Technologies

Lighting apparatus, reflectors and others of which the installation near a light source reflects light in an effective manner.

Reference Materials

For users
The volume of CO2 emission originating from energy use in the civilian sector accounts for one-third of the total volume of CO2 emission in Japan. Reduction of the power consumption of buildings and houses poses an important challenge exacerbated by the need to introduce measures to deal with the tight power supply situation resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Particularly important are measures to reduce the energy used for lighting in buildings and homes as the energy consumption of lighting accounts for a large proportion of the total energy consumption of a building or house. Reduction of the power consumption for lighting almost means less generation of heat, reducing the power requirement for air-conditioning. What is required to further boost the significant effects of a reduced power consumption for lighting is an integrated approach incorporating appropriate auxiliary devices and novel lighting methods.

The use of reflectors and diffusers is a low cost and easy to implement measure to improve the lighting efficiency and can be widely introduced to buildings and houses.

The ETV Program assists the selection of technologies suitable for the needs of users by means of disclosing the results of technology verification tests conducted by third party organizations and providing various types of information required to judge the effectiveness of individual technologies.

For verification applicants
The ETV Program assists the dissemination and wider use of useful technologies of verification applicants by means of bringing out the potential needs of users through the introduction of usable environmental technologies to users, disclosure of the results of technology verification tests conducted by third party organizations and provision of various types of information required by users to select technologies.

A questionnaire survey with verification applicants in the past received such replies as “The number of enquiries about the technology has increased since verification” and “There have been certain positive effects on sales promotion and technological development activities”. Another reply concerning the issued logo was that “The logo has been attached to the product pamphlet, technical reports, company brochure, and company website”.

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