

Status of Coral Reefs in Asian Seas Region

 ● Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region 2004 [PDF 8.30MB]
 ● Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region 2010 [PDF 3.01MB]
 ● Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region 2014 [PDF 13.2MB]
 ● Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region 2018 [PDF 3.76MB]


Coral Reefs of Japan


 ● Cover, working group [PDF 172KB]
 ● Foreword    Yuriko Koike [PDF 36KB]
 ● Preface     Kiyoxhi Yamazato [PDF 59KB]
 ● Table of Contents [PDF 52KB]
1 Distribution of coral reefs
 1-1 Hermatypic corals of Japan [PDF 201KB]
 1-2 Coral reef landforms in japan [PDF 239KB]
 1-3 Distribution of coral reef communities [PDF 1.3MB]
2 Coral reef disturbances
 2-1 Global environmental change and coral bleaching [PDF 147KB]
 2-2 Predation damage to corals [PDF 132KB]
 2-3 Coral diseases [PDF 105KB]
 2-4 Direct impacts of coastal development [PDF 69KB]
 2-5 Terrestrial inflow of soils and nutrients [PDF 104KB]
 2-6 Inappropriate activities around coral reefs Coral reef degradation and sustainable use in the Yaeyama Archipelago, Okinawa: A Study of Lift-Net
Fishery and Fishermen's Perspectives and Opinions
[PDF 137KB]
3 Coral reef monitoring
 3-1 Coral monitoring in Japan [PDF 163KB]
 3-2 Remote sensing of coral reefs in Japan [PDF 421KB]
4 Sustainable use and conservation of coral reefs
 4-1 Coral reef conservation and management in Japan [PDF 82KB]
 4-2 Legal systems [PDF 65KB]
 4-3 Environmental education related to coral reefs [PDF 72KB]
 4-4 Fishery [PDF 103KB]
 4-5 Tourism [PDF 126KB]
 4-6 International Cooperation [PDF 93KB]
5 Coral reef restoration
 5-1 Restoration techniques [PDF 236KB]
 5-2 Approaches for restoring coral reef ecosystems [PDF 87KB]
6 Status of coral reefs around the country
 6-0-0 Index map for Chapter 6 [PDF 168KB]
 6-1-1 Ogasawara Islands [PDF 369KB]
 6-1-2 Osumi Islands and Tokara Archipelago [PDF 370KB]
 6-1-3 Amami Archipelago [PDF 460KB]
 6-1-4 Okinawa Islands [PDF 858KB]
 6-1-5 Daito Islands [PDF 328KB]
 6-1-6 Miyako Archipelago [PDF 457KB]
 6-1-7 Yaeyama Archipelago [PDF 371KB]
 6-2-1 Boso Peninsula, Izu Peninsula and Izu Islands [PDF 467KB]
 6-2-2 Sea of Japan [PDF 477KB]
 6-2-3 Kii Peninsula [PDF 466KB]
 6-2-4 Shikoku [PDF 476KB]
 6-2-5 Kyusyu [PDF 443KB]
 Appendix 1 [PDF 196KB]
  1-1 Meteorological Data
  1-2 Population and Number of Households
  1-3 Number of employed in each industry
  1-4 Number of tourists visited
  1-5 Fishery Statistics
  1-6 Protected Areas
  1-7 Additional information on the Daito Islands and Sea of Japan 
 Appendix 2 [PDF 33KB]
 Appendix 3 [PDF 199KB]
 Appendix 4 [PDF 51KB]
 Appendix 5 [PDF 26KB]
 Appendix 6 [PDF 306KB]
 Appendix 7 [PDF 15KB]
 Coral Reefs on the Border [PDF 455KB]
 Unique Genetic Properties of Acroporids [PDF 45KB]
 Toward the revival of Miyakejima after the latest volcanic eruption [PDF 38KB]
 Spawning behavior of brooders [PDF 56KB]
 Mass spawning of Acroporids [PDF 59KB]
 Living on coral reef atolls - Human induced vegetation changes [PDF 53KB]
 Coral reef development near cities [PDF 80KB]
 Folkcraft of Okinawan coral reefs [PDF 58KB]
 Geographical features and use of Ryukyu limestone [PDF 132KB]
 A glimpse of coral reef studies in pre-westernized Japan [PDF 74KB]
 Reef Check in Japan [PDF 37KB]
 International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center - For conservation of coral reefs in Japan and the world [PDF 49KB]
End paper
 Global distribution of coral reefs (uppwe left) and map of Japan [PDF 1.2MB]
 Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara Isrands [PDF 656KB]
 ● Copy right [PDF 20KB]