Workshop 2014

The Workshop 2014 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes was held from 26 to 28 November 2014, in Okayama, Japan. It was organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan.


※All the documents have been uploaded with the consent of the copyright holders.

Opening Session

Japan 1.41MB  

Session 1: Updates of National Regulation, Implementation Status and Import/Export Statistics

Hong Kong SAR 4.12MB Indonesia 946KB
Japan 5.53MB Malaysia 1.25MB
Philippines 16.9MB Singapore 1.11MB
Thailand 1.43MB Vietnam 5.24MB
Brunei 1.95MB Cambodia 7.41MB
Republic of Korea 3.36MB  

Session 2: Possible Measures to Promote Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) within Asia and Link with Transboundary Movement (TBM)

Secretariat 999KB IDE-JETRO 815KB
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 1.39MB IRG System South Asia (India) 2.29MB

Session 3: Measures for Strengthening Border Control and Facilitation of Takeback Procedure

Secretariat 462KB BRS Secretariat 113KB
Hong Kong SAR 4.46MB Indonesia 8.09MB

Session 4: Policy/Practice for Ensuring Repair and Refurbishment of Electrical and Electronic Equipments (EEEs) in an Environmentally Sound Manner

Secretariat 1.28MB BRS Secretariat 281KB
Japanese Four Electrical and Electronic Industry Associations 1.60MB ICT Group 2.67MB
Malaysia 1.42MB Thailand 3.2MB