The Sixth Regional 3R Forum
in Asia and the Pacific

Organizers Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan,
Ministry of Environment and Energy, Government of Maldives,
Ministry of Tourism, Government of Maldives,
United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
Date August 16 - 19, 2015
Venue Male, Maldives

Approximately 300 representatives from 39 countries (ASEAN, Pacific island countries, East Asia and South Asia, etc.), cities (such as Male, Osaka, Kawasaki, Kitakyushu), international organizations and so forth.

*Participants from Japan: 6 officials of Ministry of the Environment including Senior Vice Minister Ozato, three municipal representative, approx. 50 representatives from private enterprises, 3 scholars and 4 NGO members, 20 participants from International organizations and other organizations.

Theme 3R as an Economic Industry - Next Generation 3R Solutions for a Resource Efficient Society and Sustainable Tourism Development in Asia and the Pacific

At the forum (Aug 17 -19), topics below was discussed.

  • Evolving 3R Trends and Developments in Asia and the Pacific – How do they matter in post -2015 development context?
  • Enabling a 3R Science-Policy-Business Interface in Building Smart, Resilient, Inclusive, Low Carbon and Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Sustainable Tourism Industry in SIDS ~ Benefitting from 3R and Resource Efficiency
  • Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) and Industrial Ecology Grants for Sustainable Material Management - Challenges and Opportunity in Asia
  • Reporting Back by Thematic Parallel Roundtable Dialogues and Country Breakout Sessions
  • Waste and Freshwater Nexus ~ 3R for Water Security in Asia and the Pacific
  • State of the 3Rs in Asia and the Pacific ~ A Guiding Document for Improved Decision Making Towards Effective Implementation of 3R at Local and National Level The Forum adopted, as its outcome, Chair’s summary under the Co-Chairs by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Adeeb Adbul Gafoor, Vice President of the Republic of Maldives and H.E. Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim, Minister of Environment and Energy, Maldives.

On August 16, on the previous day of Forum, 3R PRE-EVENT of the Government of Maldives (“MALDIVES NATIONAL 3R DAY”) was held.
And Male 3R Declaration was adopted as the outcome.

The Sixth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific
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