Ministry of the Environment  >  Environment Research and Technology Development Fund  >  Outline  >  Eligible Fields of Research

Eligible Fields of Research

1.Global system changes
Global scale problems, including destruction of the ozone layer, global warming, and water circulation; impacts of global environmental changes on regions in Japan.
2.Environmental pollution
Domestic Japanese atmospheric environment, urban environment, water environment, and soil environment; transboundary pollution via the atmosphere, land, ocean waters, international rivers, etc.
3.Health and ecological risks
Environmental risk and health risk associated with chemical substances in Japan; health and environmental risks associated with global environmental changes.
4.Protection/restoration of nature and ecosystems
Protection of ecosystems in urban areas and river basins in Japan; wider-range problems of ecosystem disruption, reduction of biodiversity, reduction of tropical forests, and desertification at the international regional level (e.g., East Asia region).
5.Research on sustainable society/policy research
Social/policy research related to regional level protection of the environment in Japan; comprehensive research on the environment, economy, and society related to environmental protection.