Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Regulations and Procedures for Transfers, etc.
For species designated as nationally endangered species of wild fauna and flora and internationally endangered species of wild fauna or flora, trade and display and advertisement for the purpose of sale and advertising leading to trade are prohibited in principle.
Although species of wild fauna or flora should be preserved in the wild, The purpose of these regulations is to ascertain the movement status of individuals, etc., whose capture, etc., is unavoidably permitted for the purpose of academic research, etc., and individuals, etc., acquired through capture, etc., or importation before they are subject to the regulations of ACES, and to confirm whether or not those who receive them can manage them appropriately. In addition, by prohibiting commercial distribution, the aim is to reduce the factors that lead to illegal capture and importation, and to curb the distribution of illegally captured individuals in the market.
Overview of transaction regulations
There are two key points in the transaction regulations of ACES.
In principle, the transaction of endangered species is prohibited.
Transaction refers to transfers, etc. (giving, selling, lending, receiving, buying, and borrowing). Display and advertising for the purpose of sale or distribution leading to a transaction is also subject to regulation.
Endangered species are species specified in ACES (i.e. endangered species of wild fauna and flora), and these species are classified into two groups: nationally endangered species of wild fauna and flora (such as Kirkaldyia deyrolli and Falco peregrinus japonensis; below “national species”), which live mainly in Japan, and internationally endangered species of wild fauna and flora (such as Panthera tigris and Panthera leo; below “international species”), which live mainly outside Japan.
Endangered species are subject to regulations not only for live individuals, but also for dead bodies and their processed products (stuffed animals, etc.). This includes seeds in the case of plants, and eggs in the case of birds, reptiles, etc.
In addition, for some species, organs (parts of the individual, such as hair, skin, claws, tusks, etc.) and their processed products (fur coats, accessories made from tusks, etc.) are also subject to regulation.
There are a few exceptions to the transaction regulations.
For the purpose of contributing to the conservation of species, the above transfer, etc. of all endangered species, whether national species or international species, is possible by obtaining permission from the Minister of the Environment. This is special permission for the transfer of animals for purposes such as academic research or breeding in zoos.
In addition, for some international species, the above transaction, etc. may be possible through registration. This registration system will allow the private and commercial transfer of some international species as pets and accessories, etc.
Moreover, there are other systems such as notification of transfer for universities, etc., and notification and registration systems for businesses, etc.