Quality of the Environment in Japan 1989
- Part One Renewal of Urban Ecosystem's Circulation
- Chapter 1. Perspective for Analysis of Urban Environment Man-Versus-Environment System in Cities
- chapter 2. Man in the Cities-Environment with Attention Focused on Environmental System
- 1. Water Circulation and Pollution in the Cities
- (1) Changes in Water Circulation and Impacts
- (2) Urbanization and Ongoing Water Pollution
- (3) Pollution of Underground Water
- (4) Changes in Water Circulation and Waterside
- (1) Urban Energy Consumption and Urban Environment
- (2) Consumption of Urban Energy Consumption at Present
- (3) Urban Energy Sources
- (1) Automobile Traffic and Nitrogen Oxides
- (2) Actual State of Urban Traffic
- (3) Background for Rise in Automobile Transport
- (4) Density of Urban Automobile Traffic
- (1) Human Activities and Refuse in the Cities
- (2) Waste Disposal and Environmental Issues
- (3) Recycling of Waste
- Chapter3. Attempts to Regenerate Circulation of Ecosystem in the Cities
- 1. Attempts from Urban Systems
- (1) Traffic Measures
- (2) Systems for Regeneration of Water Circulation
- (3) Systems for Efficient Utilization of Energy
- (4) Measures for Conservation and Creation of Nature in the Cities
- Chapter4. Policy Evolution in Regenerating Circulation of Ecosystem in the Cities
- 1. Basic Perception
- 2. Formation of Ecosystem Conservation Type of Urban System
- (1) Development of Ecosystem Conservation Type
- (2) Improvements in Transport Systems
- (3) Recycling of Resources, Legitimate Disposal and Control of Polluted Sites Abandoned
- (4) Conservation and Creation of Nature
- (1) Citizens' Everyday Lives and Urban Environment
- (2) Promotion of Environmental Education and Environmental-Conservation Activities
- Conclusion
- - Aiming at Cities with Coexistence of Man and the Environment -
- PartTwo Present State of Environmental Problems and Countermearures
- Chapter1. Comprehensive Promotion of Environmental Administration
- Section1. Outline of Budget and Others for Preservation of the Environment
- Section2. Promotion of Environmental Impact Assessment
- Section3. Promotion of Environmental Conservation Based on Local Characteristics
- Section4. Promotion of Regional Pollution Control Programs
- Section5. Promotion of Measures for Environmental Conservation concerning High Technology
- Section6. Measures for the Safety of Chemicals
- Section7. Environmental Conservation Measures in Land Use
- Section8. Public Relations and Environmental Education
- Chapter2. Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration, and Offenslve Odors
- Section1. Present State of Air Pollution
- Section2. Countermeasures for Air Pollution
- Section 3. Improvement of Monitoring Network
- Section 4. Traffic-Related Pollution : Present Status and Solutions
- Section5. Noise
- Section6. Vibrations
- Section7. Offensive Odors
- Chapter3. Water
- Section1. Present State and Causes of Water Pollution
- Section2. Damage Caused by Water Pollution
- Section3. Water Pollution Control Measures
- Section4. Promotion of Measures for Conserving Water Quality in Closed Water Areas
- Section5. Groundwater Pollution and Corrective Measures
- Section6. Marine Pollution
- Chapter4. Other Pollution and Corrective Measures
- Section1. Waste Disposal
- Section2. Ground Subsidence
- Section3. Soil Pollution
- Section4. Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals
- Chapter5. Promotion of Environmental Health Policy
- Section1. Compensation for Pollution-Related Health Damage and Prevention
- Section2. Health Survey and Research on Cadmium Pollution
- Chapter6. Present State of the Natural Environment and Natural Environment Conservation Measures
- Section1. Overall Promotion of Natural Environment Conservation Measures
- 1. Basic Survey for Conservation of the Natural Environment
- 2. Designation of Conservation Areas
- 3. Execution of Survey of the Designated Area for Conservation of Natural Environment
- 4. Dissemination of the Awareness of Importance of Nature Conservation and Promotion of Education on Nature Conservation
- 5. Nature Conservation with People's Involvement
- Section2. Health Survey and Research on Cadmium Pollution
- Chapter6. Present State of the Natural Environment and Natural Environment Conservation Measures
- Section1. Overall Promotion of Natural Environment Conservation Measures
- 1. Basic Survey for Conservation of the Natural Environment
- 2. Designation of Conservation Areas
- 3. Execution of Survey of the Designated Area for Conservation of Natural Environment
- 4. Dissemination of the Awareness of Importance of Nature Conservation and Promotion of Education on Nature Conservation
- 5. Nature Conservation with People's Involvement
- Section2. Environmental Conservation in Natural Parks
- Section3. Wildlife Protection
- Section4. Conservation of Natural Environment in Urban Areas
- Section5. Sound Utilization of the Natural Environment
- Section6. Promotion of Afforestation
- Chapter7. Environmental Research
- Section1. Promotion of Research by the National Institute for Environmental Studies
- Section2. Promotion of Environmental Research
- Chapter8. romotion of International Cooperation
- Section1. Approach to Global Environmental Problems
- Section2. Multilateral Cooperation
- Section3. Bilateral Cooperation
- Section4. Technical Cooperation with Developing Countries
- Section5. Promotion of Overseas Publicity
- Chapter9. Pollution Prevention System in Private Sector
- 1. Promotion of Pollution Prevention System in Industry
- 2. Rationalization of Environmental Measurement in Private Sector
- 3. Establishment of Standards for Measuring Meth
- Appendices
- Appendix1. Organization and Functions of the Environment Agency
- 1. Background
- 2. Administrative Responsibilities
- 3. Organization
- 4. Administrative Responsibilities of the Bureaus
- 5. National Institute for Environmental Studies
- 6. NationalInstitute for Minamata Disease
- 1. Ambient Air Quality Standards
- 2. Environmental Quality Standards for Noise
- 3. EnvironmentalWater Quality Standards (Dec. 28, 1971, Amendments 1974, 1975, 1982, 1985)
- 4. National Emission Standards
- 5. National Effluent Standards (June 21, 1971; Amendments 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1985, 1986)
- 1. Budget and Public Financing
- 2. Settlement of Pollution-related Disputes and Police Handling of Pollution Offences
- 3. Major Nature Reserves and Natural Parks
- 4. Environmental Administration by Local Government
- 5. Environmental Monitoring