Changes in Perception of Radiation Risks (Next-generation Effects)
As shown on p.151 of Vol. 1, “Relationship between Mental Health and Perception of Risks Concerning Health Effects of Radiation,” the Fukushima Health Management Survey examines perception of risks concerning health effects of radiation (late effects and next-generation effects) every year. The percentages of respondents answering that the possibility is high are gradually decreasing for both questions. However, what should be noted is the fact that a larger number of people every year worry about next-generation effects rather than late effects. The figure shows changes over the years in responses to questions about next-generation effects. The percentage of people worrying about next-generation effects is decreasing gradually but still remains at around 30% as of FY2020.
Such worries over next-generation effects of radiation tend to cause discrimination and prejudice and doubt about future chances of getting married or having children. If affected people themselves feel in this manner or have self-stigmas (self-prejudice), their confidence and identity may be shaken significantly and their future life plans may be affected accordingly. It is necessary to note the sensitiveness of such worries and prejudice for affected people (p.143 of Vol. 1, “Radiation Accidents and Health Concerns”).
- Included in this reference material on February 28, 2018
- Updated on March 31, 2023