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Background to Japanese PRTR
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Estimated releases outside notification
Estimated releases outside notification

“Estimated Releases Outside Notification” includes the released amount data from non-point sources (diffuse sources) such as the businesses that are small in size or handled amount (i.e., not meeting reporting requirements), non-listed industries, households, and mobile sources. By gaining the cooperation of the relevant administrative agencies, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Minister of the Environment calculate the “Estimated Releases Outside Notification” (i.e., estimation of the released amounts other than those of Class I Designated Chemical Substances notified by reporting business operators) for each respective category described below. In Japan, released amount data from non-point sources (diffuse sources) is estimated and aggregated by the national government, then disclosed the results in public annually.


Listed type of business: the amounts released by business operators in listed type of business but not meeting the reporting requirements such as number of employees, annual amount handled, etc.


Non-Listed type of business: the amounts released by business operators in non-listed industries
3) Households: the amounts released by households
4) Mobile sources: the amounts released by mobile sources (automobiles, motorcycles, trains, ships, and planes)
Data of Estimated Releases Outside Notification

Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan
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