
入 札 公 告



環境調査研修所次長 関根 達郎

◎調達機関番号 021  ◎所在地番号 11

1 調達内容
(1)品目分類番号 24
(2)調達件名及び数量 ガスクロマトグラフ高分解能質量分析計(GC-HRMS)購入
(3)調達件名の特質等 入札説明書による。
(4)納入期限 入札説明書による。
(5)納入場所 入札説明書による。

2 競争参加資格

3 入札書等の提出場所等
〒359-0042 埼玉県所沢市並木3-3
環境調査研修所 庶務課会計係
平成28年7月5日 17時00分
平成28年7月6日 11時00分
環境調査研修所 本館2階会議室

4 電子調達システムの利用

5 その他


6 Summary
(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity: Tatsuro Sekine, Deputy Director, The National Environmental Research and Training Institute
(2) Classification of the products to be procured: 24
(3) Nature and quantity of the products to be procured: Gas chromatograph high-resolution mass spectrometer (GC-HRMS)
(4) Delivery period: as in the tender documentation.
(5) Delivery place: as in the tender documentation.
(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures: Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall:
[1] not come under Article 70 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting. Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause.
[2] not come under Article 71 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting.
[3] not be suspended from transactions by the request of the officials in charge of contract.
[4] have Grade A, B or C on "manufacturing of product" or "sale of product" in the Kanto Koshinetsu Area in terms of the qualification for participating in tenders by Ministry of the Environment (single qualification for every ministry and agency) in the fiscal years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
[5] pledger to excluding crime syndicates and other illegal organizations defined in the bid manual.
(7) Time-limit for tender: 17:00 PM, 6th, July, 2016
(8) Contact Point for The Notice: General Affairs Section, The National Environmental Research and Training Institute, 3-3 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama, 359-0042 JAPAN. TEL 04-2994-9303