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Day3 Working group session


Change of Japanese land and construction of coastal forests
(日本の国土変化と海岸林の造成) (PDF4.11MB)

Takehiko Ohta (Japan,Professor of Emeritus at the University of Tokyo)
Recovery efforts for coastal Disaster-prevention forest from the Great East Japan Earthquake
(東日本大震災から、海岸災害を防ぐ復興への取組) (PDF:1.67MB)

Hiroshi Kusakabe (Japan,Conservation Division, Forestry Agency)
Coastal pine forests damaged from the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake
(東日本大震災の津波による海岸マツ林の被害) (PDF:865KB)

Katsunori Nakamura (Japan,Tohoku Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Huge earthquake/tsunami disturbance, autonomous eco system recovery and the human impact of reconstruction in the Sendai Bay sand-dune coastal ecotone
(仙台湾の砂丘エコトーンにおける巨大地震・津波によるかく乱と生態系の自律的な回復、復興事業による人為影響) (PDF:1.69MB)

Yoshihiko Hirabuki and Minami-Gamou Ecotone Monitoring Network (Japan,Department of Regional Design, Tohoku Gakuin University)
A network of new links sets the tone for future culture Conservation in the Sanriku Fukko (Reconstruction) National Park
(三陸復興国立公園における将来への文化保全のためのネットワークの新たなつながり) (PDF:4.2MB)

Katsue Fukamachi (Japan,Associate Professor, Kyoto University)
Tradition of the Memory of the Earthquake Disaster― Who Conveys Memory?
(震災記憶の継承―誰が記憶を伝えるか) (PDF:1.46MB)

Yusuke Sakuraba (Japan,Ranger, Miyako Ranger Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
Significance of Sanriku Fukko National Park for Reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake
(東日本大震災からの復興に対する三陸復興国立公園の意義) (PDF:1.85MB)

Junichi Hirota (Japan,Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
Research on the characteristics of the intention to participate in tourism on the “Michinoku Sea Breeze Trail
(みちのく潮風トレイルへの参加の傾向に関する研究) (PDF:749KB)

Yutaka Yoshiyachi (Japan,Japan Travel Bureau Foundation)
Change of a land use by Disaster and the role of a Protected Area
(災害と保護地域の役割による土地利用の挑戦) (PDF:1.76MB)

Akihiro Nakamura (Japan,Graduate student, Division of Appropriate Technology and Sciences for Sustainable Development, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
Environmental Education in the volcanic ruins of Mt.Usu
(有珠山噴火における環境教育) (PDF:1.45MB)

Sayaka Hara (Japan,Ranger, Lake Toya Ranger Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
Evolving National Park under Eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake: Cooperation with Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park and Kirishima Geopark
(新燃岳の噴火における国立公園の新たな展開:霧島錦江湾国立公園と霧島ジオパークの協力) (PDF:3.36MB)

Akira Matsumoto (Japan,Ranger, Ebino Ranger Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
Post-Tsunami Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation of Coral Reefs in Marine National Park, Thailand
(タイの海洋国立公園におけるサンゴ礁の津波後の保全と持続的な回復) (PDF:4.07MB)

Sakanan Plathong (Thailand, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Program of community Development of Forest Fire control in Peat Land Area
(インドネシアの泥炭湿地におけるコミュニティ開発プログラムによる森林火災管理活動) (PDF:937KB)

Agus Haryanta (Indonesia, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Equipments, Directorate of Forest Fire Control, Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Indonesian Ministry of Forestry)


Nature School at Mt. Fuji National Park Area: the case of Educational program held by Japanese private company
(富士箱根伊豆国立公園・朝霧高原の王子の森自然学校) (PDF:1.33MB)

Seiji Yamato (Japan,Manager, Environmental Management Department, Oji Holdings Corporation)
Management of Natural resources through communication, Education and community livelihood improvement
(コミュニケーション、教育、コミュニティーの生計改善を通じた自然資源の管理) (PDF:2.73MB)

Thuong Pham Van (Viet Nam, Cat Ba National Park - Viet Nam)
Education for Sustainable Development: Education or Communication for Tourist
(持続可能な開発のための教育:観光のための教育またはコミュニケーション) (PDF:613KB)

Bishnu B. Bhandari (Nepal, Nepal Wetlands Society)
Environment Education Programs for young generation in Korea National Park Service
(韓国国立公園管理公団の若い世代に向けた環境教育プログラム) (PDF:890KB)

Giho Do (Republic of Korea, Korea National Park Service)
Environmental Education and Protection through long-term ecological research and partnership: a Singapore case study
(1)(PDF:4.71MB) (2)(PDF:2.69MB)
Shawn Lum (Singapore, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University)
KODOMO Ramsar: International Wetland Exchange Programme, a driving force of ESD at the Ramsar Sites in Asia
(KODOMO ラムサール: 国際湿地交流プログラム、アジアのラムサール湿地におけるESDの推進力) (PDF:1.5MB)

Reiko Nakamura (Japan,Ramsar Center Japan (RCJ))
Enganging a New Generation
(若者の参加に向けて) (PDF:1.45MB)

Carl Solomon (Australia, Director, Customer Experience Division, NSW National Parks, Wildlife Service,Office of Environment and Heritage)
Interpretation System at National Park of China
(中国における国立公園のインタープリテーションシステム) (PDF:2.72MB)

Zhenpeng Li (China, Program Officer, Administrative Office of National Park, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, P.R. China)
In search of desired activities to demonstrate trajectory to achieve ‘true’ ecotourism in Park-based tourism
(自然公園をベースとした観光の軌跡を明示し、真のエコツーリズムを達成するために期待される活動の探究) (PDF:348KB)

Arisetiarso Soemodinoto (Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy Indonesia)
Visitor center which evolved into the “resource share type” from the “resource guidance type”raises the sustainability of regional development and Nature Conservation

Yuichi Kameyama (Japan,Museum-planner NOMURA Co,Ltd.)
An Investigation of Inbound Nature-Based Tourism: the Case of Western Visitors to Kamikochi in the Japan Alps
(海外からの観光客の保護地域に関する行動調査:日本アルプス上高地における欧米観光客のケーススタディ) (PDF:951KB)

Thomas E. Jones (UK, Graduate School of Governance Studies, Meiji University)
Introduction and the effects of visitor control system in the World Natural Heritage SHIRETOKO
(知床世界自然遺産の紹介とビジター管理システム) (PDF:1.64MB)

Akimichi Matsunaga (Japan,Technical Official, Ranger, Utoro Ranger Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)


Towards developing the World Parks Congress: What Asia can teach the world about the role of culture and knowledge systems in area-based Management
(世界国立公園会議の発展に向けて) (PDF:257KB)

Marjo Vierros (Australia, Adjunct Senior Fellow, the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)
“Masters of Forest” --- Their Wisdom and Arts ---
(森のマスター達 -彼らの知恵と芸術-) (PDF:659KB)

Yasuhiro Matsumoto (Japan,Rural Development and Greening Office, Forest Multiple Use and Conservation Division Forestry Agency)
Social and culture aspects as critical factors for the effectiveness of Protected Areas Management in Lao PDR: A case study of multi village Mak Jong Management group in Pathoumphone district
(ラオスの保護地域の効果的な管理の重要な要素として社会と文化の視点から) (PDF:0.99MB)

Latsamay Sylavong (Lao PDR, Visiting Research Fellow Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University)
Will ABS Interventions Strengthen Protected Area Management?
(ABS(遺伝資源へのアクセスと利益配分)の介在は公園管理を強化するのか?) (PDF:1.24MB)

Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu (Malaysia, Diplomatic and Administrative Officer, Public Service Department, Malaysia)
Sacred Natural Sites - An ancient and universal philosophy and cultural practice with fundamental significance to Protected Areas
(多様な機関と協力して行う阿蘇くじゅう国立公園の文化的に貴重な草原景観の保全) (PDF:2.24MB)

Robert Wild (UK, The Sacred Natural Sites Initiative)
Taromak Tribal Nation declares the stream sacred sites as Indigenous Protected Area in Taiwan
(台湾のタロマック族は神聖な遺跡の流れを先住民の保護地域として発表する) (PDF:1.02MB)

Chiung Hsi Liu (Taiwan, Professor and Dean of Science and Engineering College, National Taitung University, Honor member of Taromak Tribal Nations, Honor member of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCA), PResident of Taiwan Forest Certification Association, Coordinator of Austronesian Community College Association)
HAKUSAN, National Park and Eco Park of UNESCO as Sacred Natural Site
(自然遺産としての白山国立公園・ユネスコエコパーク) (PDF:2.06MB)

Akinori Mizuno (Japan,PResident, ISHIKAWA Museum of Natural History)
History and Nature Conservation of Mt. Fuji as a sacred Natural site
(神聖な自然遺産としての富士山の歴史と自然保護) (PDF:1.65MB)

Toshihiko Ono (Japan,Representative NPO Earth Bounder)
Culture, Religious, Spiritual, Himalayan Sacred Lake for Conservation Nepal Salpa Pokhari
(ネパール、サルパ ポカリの文化的、宗教的、精神的なヒマラヤの神聖な湖の保全) (PDF:2.31MB)

Kamal Kumar Rai (Nepal, Himalayan Folklore and Biodiversity Study Program, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Network, Wetland Biodiversity Conservation Society Nepal)
Tsum Sacred Conservation Area in Gorkha, Nepal
(ネパール グルカのツム神聖保護地域) (PDF:802KB)

Nima Lama (Nepal, Tsum Welfare Committee (TWC))
Animism and traditional knowledge disappear in Virachey National Park, Cambodia
(コロンビア ビラキー国立公園のアミニズムと伝統知識の消失) (PDF:2.47MB)

Yi-Chung Hsu (Taiwan, National Dong Hwa University)


TEPCO’s Measures to Preserve the Nature of Oze
(尾瀬の自然保護に向けたTEPCOの取組) (PDF:2.23MB)

Yoshihiro Kageyama (Japan,Fellow, in charge of Environmental affairs and Fukushima revitalization, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (TEPCO))
Establishing and Strengthening Conservation Co-Management Institutions: A Case Study from Afghanistan
(保全共同管理機関の設立と強化-アフガニスタンの事例報告) (PDF:965KB)

Richard Paley (Afghanistan, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Afghanistan Program)
Geopark Resources Protected by Multi-Sector Participation The Example of Collaborative Management by Government, Academic Groups and Local People in San’in Kaigan Geopark
(多様なステークホルダーの参加によるジオパーク資源の保護、山陰海岸ジオパークにおける政府、研究者、地域住民との協働管理事例) (PDF:945KB)

Eiji Hasegawa (Japan,Staff Member, San’in Kaigan Geopark Promotion Council)
Shigetomi-higata tidal flat: an example of a National Park which resulted from Local activities
(重富干潟:地域の取組からうまれた国立公園の事例) (PDF:1.68MB)

Takahiro Okano (Japan,Kagoshima University Education Center)
Collaborative Management: Lesson from Leuser National Park and Ruteng Recreation Park in Indonesia
(協働管理:インドネシア ルーサー国立公園とルテン・レクリエーション公園からの報告) (PDF:2.31MB)

Wiratno (Indonesia, Director for East Nusa Tenggara Conservation Agency, Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Ministry of Forestry)
Forest rehabilitation activity in the national park and relationship with Local people
(国立公園での森林再生の取組と地域住民との連携) (PDF:1.47MB)

Masahiro Minoura (Japan,Group Manager, Forestry & Environment Division, Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd.)
Collaborative Management of Protected Areas: The Philippine Experience
(保護地域の協働管理:フィリピンの経験) (PDF:1.39MB)

Atty. Ermesto D. Adobo, Jr. (Philippines, Undersecretary for Staff Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources)
MESCOT Forest Habitat Restoration in Kinabatangan Supu Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
(マレーシア サバ州、キナバタンガン・スプ森林保護区におけるMESCOTによる森林生育地再生) (1)(PDF:3.71MB) (2)(PDF:3.5MB)
Mohd Hasim Abd Hamid (Malaysia, Chairmain, KOPEL Berhad, Kinbatangan, Sabah, Malaysia)
Conflicts of large mammals with Local community in Nature reserves of rainforest in Yunnan Province, China
(中国雲南省熱帯雨林保護区における大型哺乳類と地域住民との軋轢) (PDF:1.17MB)

Kun Shi (China, The Wildlife Institute, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China)
Land and Forest Use by Local Communities and the Involvement of External Stakeholders - Case Study of Protected Area in Laos
(地域住民による土地・森林利用と外部ステークホルダーの参加-ラオスの保護区事例) (PDF:771KB)

Kimihiko Hyakumura (Japan,Associate Professor, Institution of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University)
Involvement of Local Communities in Protected Area Management: Synergy in Conservation and Energy in Livelihood Improvement
Bishwa Nath Oli (Nepal, Director General, Department of Forests, Nepal)
People’s participation in Protected Areas of Bangladesh
(「バングラデシュの保護区への住民参加) (PDF:1.29MB)

Md Tariqul Islam (Bangladesh, Assistant Chief Conservator of Forests, Forest Department)
Local Residents-driven Village of Excellence in National Park
(地域住民主導が成功している国立公園内の村) (PDF:2.01MB)

Seungho Lee (Republic of Korea, Korea National Park Service)


The role of volunteer program to PA and challenges
(保護地域へ向けたボランティア活動の役割と課題) (PDF:946KB)

Hiroto Mitsugi (Japan,Japan International Cooperation Agency)
Ten Years Sabah-JICA Technical Cooperation in Sabah Malaysia
(マレーシア サバ州における10年間のサバ-JICA技術協力)
Gerald Jetony (Malaysia, Office of Natural Resources, Sabah, Malaysia)
The Implementation of Collaborative Management In Gunung Halimun Salak National Park Through Kampong Conservation Model (MKK) and Special Zone
(グヌン・ハリムン・サラック国立公園のカンポン保全モデルと特別区域による共同管理の実施) (PDF:2.45MB)

Atih Sundawiati (Indonesia, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, Indonesia)
Regional Cooperation for the Management of transboundary ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific
(アジア・太平洋地域における国境を越えた生態系管理のため地域連携) (PDF:1.81MB)

Bruce Dunn (Philippines, Senior Environment Specialist, Asian Development Bank)
Protected Areas: Meeting Development Challenges
(保護地域:開発の課題への対応) (PDF:1.21MB)

Midori Paxton (Japan,Regional Technical Adviser -Biodiversity and Ecosystems, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP))
Financing Protected Areas in Asia
(アジアの保護地域への資金提供) (PDF:618KB)

Yoko Watanabe (USA, Global Environment Facility (GEF))
Options for improving Pan-Asia Protected Area Collaboration-a review of regional mechanisms
(汎アジア保護地域連携の促進のための選択 - 地域メカニズムの検討) (PDF:467KB)

Peter Shadie (Australia, IUCN WCPA Asia / Odonata Consulting)
Ensuring well managed Protected Areas: introducing Conservation Assured | Tiger Standards (CA|TS) and the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas
(管理の行き届いた保護地域: WWF CA|TSとIUCNグリーンリスト) (PDF:2.1MB)

Vinod Mathur (India, Partner, Equilibrium Research and Dean, WII)
Healthy Parks Healthy People-global solutions for a healthy future
(健全な公園、健康な人々 - 健全な将来のためのグローバルな解決策) (PDF:1.86MB)

Kathryn Campbell (Australia, Manager Healthy Parks Healthy People, Parks Victoria)
Building Regional Capacity for Protected Area Management: BIOPAMA - An approach from Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific
(地域的な保護区管理能力の構築 - BIOPAMA-アフリカ、カリブ、太平洋からのアプローチ) (PDF:958KB)

Nick Cox (Switzerland, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN))
Fostering regional Protected Area Cooperation: the case of the EUROPARC Federation and the establishment of the Naoli River Wetland Network in China
(保護地域の地域連携の発展:EUROPARCと中国ナオリ河湿地ネットワークの構築) (PDF:1.57MB)

Jens Bruggemann (Germany, Senior Project Manager, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
ASEAN Heritage Parks: Managing the wonders of culture and Nature
(ASEAN 遺産公園:素晴らしき文化と自然の管理) (PDF:1.9MB)

Clarissa Arida (Philippines, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB))


The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) - Understanding the Protection of Our Planet
(保護地域データベース(WDPA)-地球の保護状況を知る) (PDF:1MB)

Siobhan Kenney (UK, United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC))
Key Biodiversity Area: A Way to Identify Sites of Significance for Biodiversity
(生物多様性重要地域:生物多様性保全上重要な地域の把握) (PDF:1.9MB)

Yoji Natori (Japan,Conservation International)
Utilizing Species Data to Inform Cost Effective Site Level Conservation:ASEAN Experiences
(費用効果の高いサイトレベルでの保全を伝えるための種のデータの活用) (PDF:1.19MB)

Sheila Vergara (Philippines, Director, Biodiversity Information Management, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity)
Strengthening of Korea’s Protected Areas Database and its Plan for the Achievement of CBD Aichi Target 11
(韓国の保護地域データベースの強化とCBD愛知目標11の達成に向けた計画) (PDF:1.28MB)

Sung-gon Kim (Republic of Korea, Korea Protected Areas Forum, Korea National Park Service)
Data Collection, Management and Provision Concerning Biodiversity Information and Protected Areas
(生物多様性と保護地域に関する情報収集、管理、情報提供 ) (PDF:1.71MB)

Ryo Mabuchi (Japan,Survey Unit Chief, Biodiversity Center, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
Natural Environment Survey and Biodiversity Conservation by Gap Analysis in Hokkaido, Japan
(北海道における自然環境調査とギャップ分析による生物多様性保全) (PDF:1.02MB)

Masami Kaneko (Japan,Rakuno Gakuen University)
Perspectives of the Protected Areas in Japan -Current Situation and Gaps for Conservation of Biodiversity-
(日本における保護地域-生物多様性の保全に向けた現状とギャップ) (PDF:2.09MB)

Takeharu Shumiya (Japan,The Nature Conservation Society of Japan)
Implications of Mega-species Monitoring to Sustainable Protected Area Management: A Case of Tiger and Prey-base Monitoring in Nepal
(持続可能な保護地域管理へ向けた大型種モニタリングの意義:ネパールにおけるトラと捕食のモニタリングの事例) (PDF:2.1MB)

Maheshwar Dhakal (Nepal, Ecologist, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation)
Singapore’s Eco-Link Biodiversity Overpass-Linking Nature Reserves, Connecting People
(1)(PDF:1.52MB) (2)(PDF:3.42MB)
Gan Wan Ming James Terence (Singapore, Assistant Director (Conservation), National Parks Board, Singapore)
Eradication project of invasive alien mongooses on Amami-oshima Island, Japan
(日本の奄美大島におけるマングース根絶プロジェクト) (PDF:2.24MB)

Shintaro Abe (Japan,Assistant Director, Naha Nature Conservation Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
Achieving Nature Conservation in Hong Kong’s Protected Areas System
(香港保護地域システムによる自然保護の達成) (PDF:3.14MB)

Winnie Pik Wan Kwok (Hong Kong, Senior Wetland and Fauna Conservation Officer, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR)
Viet Nam National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, vision to 2030
(2020年、2030年の長期目標に向けたベトナム生物多様性国家戦略) (PDF:961KB)

Hoang Thi Thanh Nhan (Viet Nam, Deputy Director, Biodiversity Conservation Agency)