Annual Report on the Environment and the Sound Material-Cycle Society in Japan 2008
Overview1: The World Has Reached a Turning Point in the Creation of a Low Carbon Society, and Japan's Efforts
Overview2: The World Has Reached a Turning Point in the Creation of a Sound Material-Cycle society, and Japan's Efforts
Overview 1 [PDF 18KB]
The World Has Reached a Turning Point in the Creation of a Low Carbon Society, and Japan's Efforts
- Chapter 1 Countries Joining Forces to Tackle Global Warming [PDF 145KB]
- Section 1 Significance of the Bali Action Plan
- Section 2 The World Has Reached the Turning Point and the Days Ahead
- Chapter 2 World Trends in the Creation of a Low Carbon Society [PDF 590KB]
- Section 1 Global Warming and Market-oriented Economy
- Section 2 Global Warming and People's Daily Lives in the World
- Chapter 3 Policy Measures Taken by Japan to Create a Low Carbon Society and Japan's International Contributions [PDF 315KB]
- Section 1: Transformation into a Sustainable Society
- Section 1 Achieving the Target of Kyoto Protocol's First Commitment Period
- Section 2 Drastic Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Mid-to-long Term
- Section 3 Japan's Contribution to Global Warming Mitigation Measures in the Asian Region
- Conclusion: The World at a Turning Point in Building a Low Carbon Society
Overview 2 [PDF 39KB]
The World Has Reached a Turning Point in the Creation of a Sound Material-Cycle society, and Japan's Efforts
- Chapter 1 The world in transition, and Japan's efforts to establish a sound material-cycle society [PDF 299KB]
- Section 1 The international situation related to waste management
- Section 2 Japan's efforts directed towards establishing a SMC Society
- Chapter 2 History of Japan's sound material-cycle society [PDF 421KB]
- Section 1 The Edo era and its systems for a sustainable society
- Section 2 Japan's history of responsible disposal of waste, from the Meiji to Heisei eras
- Chapter 3 Community-local-blocks-national-international-based SMC establishment [PDF 1,676KB]
- Section 1 Establishment of SMC blocks
- Section 2 Resource circulation in SMC blocks ~Examples that have led to successful revitalization of local communities
- Section 3 Implementing more effective measures
- Chapter 4 Prospects for establishing a SMC Society in East Asia, and Japan's cooperation [PDF 294KB]
- Section1 Formulating an East Asia Sound Material-Cycle Society Vision
- Section 2 Establishing a SMC Society in Asia and provision of cooperation tailored to the needs
- Section 3 Efforts to prevent illegal waste imports and exports
- Section 4 Establishing an East Asia SMC blocks
Appendixes [PDF 11KB]
- G8 Environment Ministers Meeting 2008 (Kobe, Japan May 24-26, 2008) [PDF 98KB]
Chair's Summary G8 Environment Ministers Meeting
Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity
Kobe 3R Action Plan - In pursuit 'Japan as a Low-carbon Society' Speech by H.E.Mr Yasuo Fukuda, Prime Minister at the Japan Press Club 9 June 2008 [PDF 55KB]
- Back Cover [PDF 391KB]