Workshop 2009

Workshop 2009 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes was held on January 20-22th, 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This workshop was organized by Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia (BCRC-SEA) and Ministry of the Environment, Japan ,with support from Department of Environment (DOE), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia.



※All the documents have been uploaded with the consent of the copyright holders.

Opening Session

Opening Remarks by BCRC-SEA 47KB Opening Remarks by Japan 71KB
Objective of the Workshop 453KB  

Session 1: Updates on Enforcement activities of the Basel Convention

SBC 529KB China 117KB
Brunei Darussalam 280KB Hong Kong SAR 1.72MB
Cambodia 741KB Indonesia 387KB
Japan 2.29MB Republic of Korea 726KB
Malaysia 82KB Philippines 157KB
Singapore 154KB Thailand 450KB
Vietnam 1.7MB  

Session 2: Good Practices for Effective Implementation

Scope of Session II 180KB China 462KB
BCRC-SEA 414KB Malaysia 1.32MB
Singapore 339KB Thailand 397KB
Secretariat 74KB  

Session 3: Asian Situation in Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

Scope of Session III 246KB Philippines 1.36MB
Indonesia 1 326KB Indonesia 2 40KB
Republic of Korea 990KB Singapore 93KB
Secretariat 1.27MB JETRO-IDE 742KB

Session 4: Toward Environmentally Sound Management of Secondhand EEE and E-Wastes

Scope of Session IV 778KB Cambodia 1 957KB
Cambodia 2 560KB Cambodia 3 58KB
Malaysia 126KB Thailand 1.07MB
Vietnam 86KB Indonesia 1MB
Philippines 516KB BCRC-China 377KB