In order to conserve exceptional natural environments, the Ministry of the Environment has designated highly natural areas as areas where the natural environment should be conserved and has taken such steps as restricting certain actions that could affect such preservation efforts.
Nevertheless, there are some areas even inside national and Quasi-National Parks where the natural landscape and the habitats and breeding grounds of animals and plants have deteriorated due to the unregulated entry of four-wheel drive vehicles, snowmobiles, motorboats, and other vehicles into these areas. A system of restrictions on the use of horses and vehicles was therefore set up for the preservation of such areas.
Zones in which horses and vehicles are subject to access restrictions are designated within Special Zones located inside national and Quasi-National Parks. (Horses and vehicles are fully subject to access restrictions within all parts of Special Protection Zones located inside national and Quasi-National Parks.)
An area will be designated an Access Restriction Zone if it constitutes a area in which there is a need to prevent a deterioration of the habitats and breeding grounds of plants and animals due to, among others, the use of horses and vehicles inside a National or Quasi-National Park and if it falls under any of the following items:
(1) The area is a zone used presently by horses or vehicles to a considerable extent, so that the natural environment is presently affected or is at significant risk of being affected in terms of, among others, the destruction of vegetation or of an environment used by animals or plants for habitation or breeding.
(2) The area is a zone in which damage resulting from the use of horses or vehicles (which are not currently being used within the zone) can be reasonably anticipated in the future and is a zone containing vegetation or an environment used by animals or plants for habitation or breeding that is especially fragile or valuable, so that rigorous protection need to be made.
In the event that a horse or vehicle is to gain access to an Access Restriction Zone, the authorization of the Minister of the Environment is needed in the case of a National Park or the governor of the relevant prefecture in the case of a Quasi-National Park. An operator of a horse or vehicle that is found to have gained access to an Access Restriction Zone without permission will be subject to imprisonment of no more than 6 months or a fine of up to 500,000 yen. If you would like to submit an application for authorization to gain access to an Access Restriction Zone, inquire with the Regional Environment Office with jurisdiction over the specific zone to which you wish to gain access.