Press Release

July 10, 2006
  • Air & Transportation

Schedule Change of the Second Meeting of the Regional EST Forum in Asia

July 10, 2006

Regarding the meeting above, the Ministry of the Environment Japan had announced on the 20th of March 2006 that the event would be held this September in Indonesia. However, due to the Earthquake Disaster in Central Java, Republic of Indonesia in May 2006, the meeting dates have been moved to 11th-12th of December 2006. The venue for the Meeting remains the same.

Dates of the Meeting
Before the change: September 11-12, 2006
After the change: December 11-12, 2006

Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia (No change)

*Information about the meeting including the purpose, organizers and participants has been open to the public on the following website of the Ministry of the Environment Japan.

*Outline of program, coverage procedure, and other detailed information will be provided, as soon as they are finalized.

-Activities in environment and transportation by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan
-United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)
-Better Air Quality 2006

For Japanese