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Waste / Recycle

TitlesDatesConferences NameLinksContact InformationNotes

Annual Report on the Environment, the Sound Material-Cycle Society and Biodiversity

Oct, 2016

Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau
< /+81-3-3581-3351>

Japan’s Recent Developments and Challenges on implementation of the Basel Convention [PDF 3.93MB]

Nov. 23, 2015 Workshop 2015 of the Asian Network

The Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes

Office of Waste Disposal Management, Waste Management and Recycling Department

all rights reserved

Annual Report on Environmental Statistics

Mar, 2016

Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau
< /+81-3-3581-3351>

Panel discussion-Facilitators slides presented by Yoshiaki Ichikawa of Hitachi Ltd [PDF 570KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

Law for the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources presented by Hideyuki Umeda of METI [PDF 952KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

Recycling Scheme of a WEEE in Japan presented by Yuzo Yagai of MOE [PDF 3,815KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

Roles of Recyclers and Practices of European Standards under Framework of WEEE Directives presented by Norbert Zonnerveld

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

About European Standardization and the WEEE standards presented by Andrea Nam [PDF 2,398KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

German government policy of Resource efficiency and recent topics focusing on WEEE in Germany presented by Regina Kohlmeyer

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

The European WEEE Directive -Origin Status and Outlook presented by Thorsten Brunzema [PDF 1,736KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

Program & Profile of Presenters [PDF 519KB]

Nov. 12, 2015 Symposium on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE– Sharing European and Japanese experiences –

(News Headline)
Symposium and Informal Discussion on Sound Management and Economic Competitiveness in the field of WEEE - Sharing European and Japanese experiences - (as of 11 September 2015)

Waste Management and Recycling Department, Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society

all rights reserved

Japan’s policy on the environmentally sound management of mercury wastes [PDF 366KB]

Apr. 13, 2015

Waste Management Division Waste Disposal Management Department

Progress on treatment of debris from the Great East Japan Earthquake(in coastal municipalities of the three most affected prefectures) [PDF 285KB]

Mar. 26, 2014

Waste Management Division Waste Management and Recycling Department

Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Sciety [PDF 1,136KB]

Oct. 1, 2013

Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society, Waste Management and Recycling Department
< /+81-3-5521-8336>

Summary of the Guideline on the Treatment of Wastes Containing Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS), and Its Salts in Japan [PDF 472KB]

April, 2013

Waste Management and Recycling Department
Industrial Waste Management Division
Office of Waste Disposal Management

Ha Noi 3R Declaration - Sustainable 3R Goals for Asia and the Pacific for 2013-2023- [PDF 239KB]

Mar. 18, 2013-Mar. 20, 2013 Fourth Regional 3R Forum in Asia

Fourth Regional 3R Forum in Asia

Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society, Waste Management and Recycling Department
< /+81-3-5521-8336>

Recent Development of Environmental Policies in Japan [PDF 1,969KB]

Sep. 25, 2012

International Cooperation Office, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau
< / +81-3-5521-8248>

Annual Report on the Environment, the Sound Material-Cycle Society, and Biodiversity in Japan
1 [PDF 345KB] / 2 [PDF 308KB] / 3 [PDF 3,273KB] / 4 [PDF 2,255KB] / 5 [PDF 3,834KB] / 6 [PDF 3,715KB] / 7 [PDF 4,454KB] / 8 [PDF 172KB] / 9 [PDF 691KB]

Aug, 2012

White Paper

Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau
< /+81-3-3581-3351>

Initiatives of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan [PDF 456KB]

Jun. 21, 2012 Rio+20

International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau

Latest Domestic Environmental Policies in Japan [PDF 238KB]

May. 4, 2012 TEMM14

International Cooperation Office, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau
< / +81-3-5521-8248>


May, 2012

Environmental Impact Assessment Division, Environmental Policy Bureau
< / +81-3-5521-8235>

The Fourth Basic Environment Plan
1 [PDF 1,920KB] / 2 [PDF 3,870KB]

Apr. 27, 2012

Environmental Strategy Division, Environmental Policy Bureau
< / +81-3-5521-8233>

Concept of a Sound Material-Cycle Society [PDF 137KB]

Mar, 2012 IE expo 2012

IE expo 2012

Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society, Waste Management and Recycling Department

Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technology of Japan - Toward a Sustainable Society -
1 [PDF 4,235KB] / 2 [PDF 4,558KB] / 3 [PDF 2,624KB] / 4 [PDF 4,591KB] / 5 [PDF 881KB] / 6 [PDF 3,073KB] / 7 [PDF 3,347KB] / 8 [PDF 2,236KB] / 9 [PDF 4,163KB] / 10 [PDF 1,945KB] / 11 [PDF 3,359KB] / 12 [PDF 3,370KB] / 13 [PDF 2,470KB] / 14 [PDF 3,435KB]

Feb, 2012

Office of Sound Material-Cycle Society, Waste Management and Recycling Department

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