Evaluation of the Interim Report on Thyroid Cancer Compiled by the Expert Meeting on Health Management After the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi NPS Accident
The Expert Meeting on Health Management After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident examines various measures concerning dose evaluation, health management and medical services from an expert perspective.
It publicized the Interim Report in December 2014 and concluded that regarding the thyroid cancer cases found through the Preliminary Baseline Survey of Thyroid Ultrasound Examination conducted as part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey, “no grounds positively suggesting that those cases are attributable to the nuclear accident are found at this moment.”
The Expert Meeting points out the necessity to continue the Thyroid Ultrasound Examination as follows.
- The trend of the incidence of thyroid cancer, which is especially a matter of concern among the residents, needs to be carefully monitored under the recognition that radiation health management requires a mid- to long-term perspective in light of the uncertainties of estimated exposure doses.
(Related to p.145 of Vol. 2, “Thyroid Ultrasound Examination: Remarks on the Results of the Preliminary Baseline Survey”)
- Included in this reference material on February 28, 2018
- Updated on March 31, 2019