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Area / Division

From FY2019, the existing technical field will be changed to new technical fields (6 fields).
By expanding the scope of technology, environmental technology that could not be verified in the conventional technology field will also be verified in new technology fields.


What is the area? The Ministry of the Environment determines the technology areas to be verified based on technological trends, market demands, social needs, etc. (currently the above 6 areas) from the advanced environmental technologies that are already in practical use but have not become widespread due to the lack of objective evaluation of environmental conservation effects, etc.

What is a classification? The Ministry of the Environment determines the technology areas to be verified based on technological trends, market demands, social needs, etc. (currently the above 6 areas) from the advanced environmental technologies that are already in practical use but have not become widespread due to the lack of objective evaluation of environmental conservation effects, etc.
Technologies that do not belong to existing verification technology categories are organized by similar technologies. If the Ministry of the Environment determines that it is necessary to set a new verification technology category, the Ministry of the Environment will set a new verification technology category.


Verification technology field (examples of verification technology)

Existing verification technology categories

 ① Water and soil environment conservation technology field

・Water pollution control technology
・Soil contamination countermeasures and purification technologies, etc.
  • Human waste treatment in natural areas: human waste treatment technology field
  • Organic wastewater treatment technology field
  • Water environment improvement technologies for enclosed coastal seas field
  • Water purification technologies for lakes and reservoirs field
  • Nonmetallic element wastewater treatment technology field (boron and other wastewater treatment technology)


 ② Atmospheric environment conservation technology field

・Air pollution control technology
(Exhaust gas, dioxins, toxic substances, etc.)

・Life environment preservation technology
((Noise, vibration prevention, light pollution countermeasures, odor countermeasures, atmospheric exhaust heat suppression), etc.
  • Ethylene oxide treatment technology field
  • Heat-Island Mitigation Technology Field (Technologies for Reducing Air Conditioning Loads by Using Building Envelope Systems)
  • Heat-Island Mitigation Technology Field (Suppression technology of sensible heat generated from air-cooled outdoor units)
  • VOC treatment technology classification (VOC treatment technology for small and medium programes)
  • VOC treatment technology classification (dichloromethane and other organochlorine degreasing agent treatment technology)


 ③ Resource circulation conservation technology field

Recycling technology, etc.


 ④ Climate change mitigation technology field

Climate change mitigation technology, etc.
  • Small and medium hydro power generation technology classification
  • Heat-Island Mitigation Technology Field (heat pump air conditioning system using geothermal heat, sewage, etc.)
  • Global warming mitigation technology field (Lightening Energy Reduction Technology)
  • Heat-Island Mitigation Technology Field (Green technology for IT equipment)


 ⑤ Natural environment conservation technology field

Biodiversity securing technology
Alien species countermeasure technology, etc.
  • Natural area toilet manure treatment technology classification
  • Water environment improvement technology classification in closed sea area
  • Water purification technology classification such as lakes


 ⑥ Environment measurement technology field

Environmental measurement technology, etc.
  • Simple measurement technology classification such as VOC
  • Simple monitoring technology classification for chemical substances



About conventional technical fields

  Although it will be a new technical field from FY2019, details related to the existing technical field (until FY2018) can be confirmed from the following.

  A list of technical fields that have been verified in the past and those that have been suspended



Verification technology field after FY2019

  It will be a new technology field from FY2019.

MOE > Environmental Policy > ETV > What is the ETV program?(Area / Division)