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Offshore Seafloor 305 Tohoku coast submarine canyon

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Area (km2) 58795
Maximum water depth (m) 4139

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected due to high levels for criteria 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8, and selected by the MARXAN software.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

There are numerous submarine canyons extending from the Tohoku Coast. These canyons are home to many demersal fish. There are no large faults or fault zones on the continental plate and the continental slope from the area off the Sanriku Coast to that off the Joban Coast, other than those formed through the late Miocene period (Tokuyama et al., 2001). The Sanriku Escarpment (at depths of 5343–6809 m) is dominated by Calyptogena phaseoliformis and Calyptogena fossajaponica, and Acharax johnsoni, Retiskenea diploura, Bayerius arnoldi and others are found here as well (Fujikura et al., 2008).

Environment / Habitat information A separate window opensData source

Chemosynthetic community

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source

Criteria 1
Lycodes caudimaculatus
Lycenchelys squamosa
Lycenchelys melanostomias
Phasmatocottus ctenopterygius
Nansenia sanrikuensis
Lycodes ocellatus
Lycenchelys tohokuensis
Lycenchelys brevimaxillaris
Melanostigma orientale
Occella iburia
Zesticelus bathybius
Careproctus marginatus
Lycenchelys aurantiaca
Andriashevia aptera
Ricuzenius pinetorum
Paraliparis meridionalis
Hadropogonichthys leptopus
Lebbeus similior
<Other invertebrate>
Cilunculus gracilis
Nymphon citerium
Nymphon gunteri
Nymphon heterospinum
Nymphon longispinum
Nymphon simulatum

* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.


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