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Principles for identifying EBSA criteria

EBSAs identified by Japan were selected based on the following three principles.

Principle 1: Identifying EBSAs from ecological and biological perspectives

Not taking into consideration social, economic and/or cultural aspects, and future possible threats caused by human activities.

Principle 2: Identifying EBSAs scientifically and objectively

Applying available and existing scientific data, and judging its importance based on the criteria already recognized domestically or internationally from ecological and biological perspectives.

Principle 3: Identifying EBSAs with boundary zones such that conservation measures can readily be applied

Selecting areas within the national jurisdiction which include its territorial waters (including inland waters but not including land*1) and exclusive economic zone (EEZ)*2sup> with defined zones of appropriate scale*3


*1 As a general rule, a marine area is defined as below the high-tide mark. However, some exceptions may apply in accordance with species life cycles such as seabirds and sea turtles.

*2 Revision of the scope of EBSAs would be considered if the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) approves extension of the continental shelf.

*3 Identified EBSAs would not directly be the subject of conservation measures (such as marine protected areas), with restrictions.