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Coastal Area 20901 Minami-Daitojima Island

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Relevant municipalities Minami-Daito, Okinawa Prefecture
Area (km2) 57

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected by MARXAN software, and by experts as a place where rare species live.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

These are the waters in the vicinity of Minami-Daitojima Island (one of the Daitojima Islands), located about 400 km east of Okinawa Island (directly to the south of Miyazaki Prefecture). A raised atoll island formed by a raised coral reef, its coats is a sheer precipice. The seas around the island are very deep, reaching depths of 1000 m about 2 km from shore. In these waters live high concentrations of rayed wheel limpet, a species distributed in few locations in Japan, and Tectarius (Echininus) spinulosus, a species that might not be recorded elsewhere, can be seen here too (Kurozumi, personal communication).

Environment / Habitat infromation A separate window opensData source

Tidal mud flats (km2)
Moba (seaweed bed) (km2)
Coral reef coverage (km2)
Natural coast (km) 20.9
Rate of natural coast (%) 98.7
Sand bank / submerged sand bank
Other habitats Mangroves

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source


* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.
Abbreviation in the information is as follows.
[Br/Ne] : Adjacent water of breeding area or nesting site
[Sp] : spawning area
[Ad] : species not used for analysis but add to the list because inhabit information was collected later
[Ex] : species used for analysis but considered to be possibly extinct in the EBSA region (area)
No mark : data of species distribution


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