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MOE home > Nature and Parks > EBSA home > Coastal Area > 12206 Adjacent waters of Yoro River mouth


Coastal Area 12206 Adjacent waters of Yoro River mouth

Basic Information A separate window opensReferences

Relevant municipalities Ichihara, Sodegaura, Chiba Prefecture
Area (km2) 19

Reason(s) for selection A separate window opensCriteria

Selected by experts as highly biodivserity river-mouth tidal flats with many endangered and rare benthos species.

Characteristics A separate window opensReferences

These are the waters in the vicinity of the mouth of the Yoro River. In the area of the river mouth tidal mud flats are forming at the mouth and in the bay due to soil runoff. Expansive saltwater marshlands also are found on the tidal mud flats, considered a valuable part of Tokyo Bay where 44 benthic species, including eight endangered species, have been confirmed. The east shore of Tokyo Bay around the Yoro River has seen the formation of tidal channels between the former coastline and reclaimed land, where scattered tidal mud flats with saltwater marshlands are found. The Tamasaki greenbelt in the city of Ichihara, the mouth of the Maegawa River in Ichihara, the mouth of the Shiizu River in Ichihara, and the mouth of the Obitsu River in the city of Sodegaura, while all running through improved conduits, have been confirmed through a benthic habitat survey to be home to 39, 40, 31, and 42 species, respectively, including 10, 12, eight, and 11 rare and endangered species, an indicator of the high level of diversity among the benthic populations in this area (Yuzuhara et al, 2013; Furota, 2007).

Environment / Habitat infromation A separate window opensData source

Tidal mud flats (km2) 0.1
Moba (seaweed bed) (km2)
Coral reef coverage (km2)
Natural coast (km) 0
Rate of natural coast (%) 0
Sand bank / submerged sand bank
Other habitats

Species information (*) A separate window opensData source

Criteria 2
Neophocaena phocaenoides (Fineless porpoise)
Charadrius dubius (Little Ringed Plover)[Br/Ne]
Pleuronectes yokohamae (Marbled flounder)[Sp]
Amphioctopus fangsiao (Ocellated octopus)
Octopus vulgaris (Common octopus)
Loligo bleekeri (Spear squid)
Criteria 3
Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel)
Criteria 7
<Vascular Plants>
Aster tripolium (Sea aster)
Triglochin asiaticum

* This is the species list of which meet the criteria. In that matter, this list does not include all species that inhabit the individual area.
Abbreviation in the information is as follows.
[Br/Ne] : Adjacent water of breeding area or nesting site
[Sp] : spawning area
[Ad] : species not used for analysis but add to the list because inhabit information was collected later
[Ex] : species used for analysis but considered to be possibly extinct in the EBSA region (area)
No mark : data of species distribution


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