Press Release

October 03, 2014
  • Global Environment

In-country Review of 1st Biennial Report and 6th National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

In accordance with the Cancun Agreements and the Durban Decision under the the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Japan submitted the First Biennial Report (BR1) and the Sixth National Communication (NC6), which include Japan's greenhouse gas emission reduction target in 2020 and climate change policies and measures, to the UNFCCC Secretariat last year.

As part of international assessment and review process, in-country review of BR1 and NC6 of Japan will take place from 6 to 11 October 2014 in Tokyo, Japan, and will be conducted by the expert review team.

After the review week, the expert review team will produce review reports. These review reports will serve as the basis for multilateral assessment to be carried out at the working group session of the forty-second session on the Subsidiary Body for Implementation in June 2015.

For Japanese