Press Release

July 23, 2010
  • Global Environment

The 19th Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change, July 20-22, 2010 in Kitakyusyu, Japan

The MOE of Japan, co-sponsored by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE), Australia, and the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC) held the "19th Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change", in Kitakyushu, Japan on July 20-22, 2010 to exchange views and information on the climate change issues across the Asia Pacific region.

Around 50 experts from 15 Asia-Pacific countries and 11 international organizations, research institutes and other relevant entities participated in the Seminar. They discussed [1] NAMAs in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner, and [2] science and technology-based adaptation to climate change, and agreed with the possible system of NAMAs and National Communications, the importance of supports required, and mainstreaming the development of adaptation and its required supports.

For Japanese