Press Release

October 05, 2009
  • Waste & Recycling

The Second FY2009 Study Group Meeting and Seminars for Japan Co-benefits Projects in the Field of Wastes Management and Recycling

The MOE will hold the above-mentioned meeting on October 15, 2009 with eminent persons to facilitate creation of co-benefits projects in the field of wastes management and recycling. Furthermore, MOE will hold seminars aiming at promoting public awareness on 1) overview of co-benefits projects, 2) trends in Offsetting Credit (J-VER) Scheme, which certifies GHG emissions reductions or removals by sinks, and tentative implementation of Emissions Trading Scheme in Japan, and 3) status of utilization and feasibility in the field of wastes management and recycling, in Kitakyushu on October 21, in Tokyo on November 5, and in Osaka on November 16, 2009. For further details, please visit <URL> (Japanese).

For Japanese