


  • New Developments of GOSAT Series - Japanese GHG Center and Use of Satellite Data for Business

2024.11.14 Thu.

15:45 - 17:00
New Developments of GOSAT Series - Japanese GHG Center and Use of Satellite Data for Business
Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)・National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)・Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)


National Institute for Environmental Studies and Ministry of the Environment of Japan, in cooperation with partner institutions in various research fields, begin preparations to develop Japan Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Center, a new information center that will disseminate state-of-the-art GHG observation data and the latest scientific findings to the world utilizing GOSAT series satellites including GOSAT-GW to be launched. In anticipation of the availability of high spatial resolution GHG data, which GOSAT-GW is expected to provide, there is growing interest from various private sectors in using satellite-derived high spatial resolution GHG data for business purposes. With these new developments in the use of GOSAT series, Japan will share the latest findings from climate science research with policy makers, local governments, and companies in Japan and aboard to help promote decarbonization actions in each country.
This seminar provides an overview of the preparation status of GOSAT-GW and the Japanese GHG Center, as well as prospects for the use of GOSAT for private scectors.


Opening Address

  • MATSUZAWA Yutaka | Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, MOEJ

GOSAT-GW Satellite and Planning of the GHG Center in Japan

  • TANIMOTO Hiroshi | Deputy Director of Earth System Division, NIES

Advanced Modeling and Flux Estimation Systems to Support Satellite Observations

  • KANAYA Yugo | Director of Earth Surface System Research Center, JAMSTEC

Coalition for LNG Emission Abatement toward Net-zero

  • NAKA Masahiro | Deputy Director for energy diplomacy and LNG policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Carbon Credit Generation Utilizing GOSAT Data

  • Kay Yano | Co-founder CEO, Carbontribe Labs OÜ

Satellite-Based Methane Emission Detection for Risk Management

  • YANO Keisuke | Senior Deputy Manager of New Product and Service Development Section & Cargo Underwriting Section, Marine & Energy Underwriting Department, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
  • Daniel Kashmir | CEO, Momentick Ltd.

Navigating Sustainable Finance: How Satellite Data Guides Our Journey to the Future

  • HASHIZUME Takumi | Managing Director, Head of Space Innovation Office, MUFG Bank, Ltd.
  • Stephane Germain | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, GHGSat Inc.

Panel Discussion

  • Prabir Patra | Principal Scientist, Earth Surface System Research Center, JAMSTEC
  • SAEKI Tazu | Senior Researcher, Earth System Division, NIES
  • Daniel Kashmir | CEO, Momentick Ltd.
  • Stephane Germain | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, GHGSat Inc.
  • Eri Saikawa | Professor and Winship Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Emory College of Arts and Sciences/Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
  • Laurence Rouil | Director, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, EC
  • Karen St. Germain (TBC) | Director, Earth Science Division, NASA,
  • Roland Kupers | Lead Architect, UNEP International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO)

Closing Address

  • TANIMOTO Hiroshi | Deputy Director of Earth System Division, NIES


  • SAEKI Tazu | Senior Researcher, Earth System Division, NIES

Other seminars on this day

2024.11.14 Thu.

10:00 - 11:15

Financing the Net-Zero Transition

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Co-organizer:Ministry of the Environment
11:45 - 13:00

Accelerating Credible Net-Zero Transition - From Planning to Action

Organizer:Ministry of the Environment
14:00 - 15:15

Use of Earth Observation Satellite Data for Voluntary Credit

Organizer:Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
17:30 - 18:45

Transparency through GOSAT: Proposal of New Verification Mechanism to The World

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Co-organizer:Chuo University