Environmental Policy

Reasons for Promoting Household Eco-account Books

How Eco-Friendly is your Lifestyle?

Try this simple test and find out, then select a course appropriate for you.

START always....3 points, sometimes....2 points,
rarely....1 point, never....0 point
1. Do you separate your garbage as required in your area?
( __ points)
2. Do you recycle newspapers, cans, styrofoam trays, etc.?
( __ points)
3. Do you use recycled toilet paper?
( __ points)
6. Do you repair appliance and furniture when broken?
( __ points)
5. Do you use a net to trap waste father than letting it go down the drain?
( __ points)
4. Do you remove grease from dishes and pans before washing?
( __ points)
7. Do you use bath water for laundry and household Cleaning?
( __ points)
8. Do you dress for the weather rather than relying on heaters or coolers to keep you comfortable?
( __ points)
9. Do you use public transportation?
( __ points)
12. Do you turn off the water when brushing your teeth?
( __ points)
11. Do you turn off the engine immediately when you park?
( __ points)
10. Do you buy foods in season rather than greenhouse grown produce?
( __ points)
13. Do you turn off the TV and lights when not in use?
( __ points)
14. Do you reuse containers to reduce trash?
( __ points)
15. Do you use cold water when washing dishes?
( __ points)
0-15 points / 16-30 points / 31-45 points

(Total __ points)