Nature & Parks

Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS)

Access to genetic resources in Japan

Japan has no provider country measures regarding Article 15.5 of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Thus the users who intend to access to genetic resources in Japan are not required the prior informed consent of the national government in the context of ABS rules under the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Please note that collecting and/or importing plants, animals, microorganisms or other biological materials may be subject to existing regulations (e.g. regulations regarding protected areas, endangered species, quarantine) and agreement with land/specimen owners.

Reference information

National Parks and other protected areas

Information on National Parks including regulations and maps is available on the websites below:

Please ask Ranger Offices for detailed information about required procedures under the Natural Parks Law of Japan. When you could not specify the Ranger Office in charge of the National Park area where you are planning to access the specimens, please contact the Regional Environmental Office in charge of the area. Contact information of Ranger offices and Regional Environmental Offices is available at:

It is also advisable to contact municipal and/or prefectural government offices where you are going to obtain plants and/or animals, as they might regulate the places or the species to protect.

Endangered Species

Some plants and animals are regulated by Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of Japan, regardless of whether these are in protected area or not.

Other regulations

You could also contact the customs, the plant protection stations or the food quarantine station for general information regarding exportation of biological materials.

If you do your research with your collaborative partner in Japan, it is also advisable to consult with them.

CBD ABS Focal Points:
*It requires the latest version of web browser.

Toward the ratification of the Nagoya Protocol

Japan has already singed the Nagoya Protocol and is currently preparing for ratification.

Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) hosted "the Consultative Committee on the domestic measures to be taken for the ratification of the Nagoya Protocol" consists of experts from industries, academia and NGO from September 2012 to March 2014. The committee met 16 times. Relevant ministries attended meetings as observers and discussions were open to public.

Before the committee finalizing its report, public briefings were held in 7 venues around Japan and comments on the draft report were invited from the public. The final report was submitted to MOEJ and published on March 20th, 2014 (available in Japanese:

The report is a compilation of views and discussions of committee members, and thus the report is not a decision made by the Government of Japan.

Relevant ministries have been working to develop domestic measures taking into account the report.