Press Release

July 22, 2008
  • Global Environment

The Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Forum for the Environment and Development in the Second Phase (APFEDII)

The fourth plenary meeting of the Asia-Pacific Forum for the Environment and Development in the Second Phase (APFEDII) will be held on July 25 and 26, 2008 in Davao, Philippine.

The APFED is a forum of eminent persons established in 2001 with a mission to propose a model of equitable and sustainable development for the Asia-Pacific region. The second phase of the APFED was started in 2005 to promote concrete measures for the implementation of the recommendations set forth in the final report compiled during the first phase. During the meeting, progress on the core activities of the APFEDII and how to summarize the APFEDII Final Report will be discussed. Climate Change and Biodiversity will also be discussed in a Special Dialogue Session. Mr. Masayoshi NAMIKI, Vice-Minister of the Environment will also attend.

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