Press Release

March 07, 2008
  • Air & Transportation

The Third Meeting of the Regional EST Forum in Asia

The Ministry of the Environment, Japan, the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), the National Environmental Agency for the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, Singapore and the Land Transport Authority for the Ministry of Transport, Singapore will jointly organize the Third Meeting of the Regional EST (Environmentally Sustainable Transport) Forum in Asia.
The Regional EST Forum in Asia is a high-level policy dialogue among governments in Asian nations with the objection of achieving Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) in the region.
In the meeting, all participating countries will report on their current environment and transport related conditions, and share best practices. Status reports on EST national strategies implemented in some developing countries and co-beneficial approaches to countermeasures both for traffic pollution and global warming will be also be discussed.
The Ministry of the Environment in cooperation with the other related organizations, will continue to support activities towards the achievement of EST with a focus on the Asian region.

For Japanese