Press Release

November 15, 2007
  • Nature & Parks

The Japan-China International Symposium on Re-introduction of Japanese Crested Ibis into the Wild

The Ministry of the Environment will organize a Japan-China International Symposium entitled "Re-introduction of Japanese Crested Ibis into the Wild", to be held at the Toki Messe/Niigata Convention Center (Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture) on Sunday, November 25, 2007. The event will focus on results of conservation activities between Japan and China for the Japanese crested ibis, and will also present case studies on the conservation of storks in Toyooka City and Northern Bald Ibis in Europe. A panel discussion lead by "The Society for Coexistence of Japanese Crested Ibis and People" will follow, where citizens will invite persons concerned with conservation of the species in the Sadogashima Islands, to speak.

For Japanese