Press Release

December 28, 2015
  • Global Environment

Submission of the Second Biennial Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

In accordance with the Cancun Agreements and the Durban Outcomes under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, each developed country party, including Japan, shall submit the second Biennial Report (BR2), which includes its policies and measures on mitigation actions, to the secretariat by 1 January 2016. Today, the Government of Japan developed the BR2.

1. Summary of BR2



Chapter 1

Information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Trends

Greenhouse gas inventories between FY1990 and FY2013, etc.

Chapter 2

Quantified Economy-Wide Emission Reduction Target

Japan's greenhouse gas emission reduction target for FY2020 at this point

Chapter 3

Progress in Achievement of Quantified Economy-Wide Emission Reduction Targets and Relevant Information

Policies and measures by gas and by sector related to emission reductions and removals of GHGs, etc.

Chapter 4


Estimated emissions in FY2020 and FY2030 by gas and by sector, etc.

Chapter 5

Provision of Financial, Technological and Capacity-Building Support to Developing Country Parties

Contents of Proactive Diplomatic Strategy for Countering Global Warming (ACE) with regards to Japan's support for developing countries, etc.

Chapter 6

Other Reporting Matters

Japan's intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) and future development of Global Warming Countermeasure Plan

2. International Assessment and Review Process

Each report submitted by developed country parties will be subject to the international assessment and review process after March 2016.

Specifically, each report will be subjected to a technical review by an expert review team and a multilateral assessment during a session of Subsidiary Body for Implementation.

For Japanese

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