Press Release

June 08, 2012
  • Water & Soil

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Survey of Environmental Measurement and Analysis FY 2011 Brief

The MOE has summarized results concerning "The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Survey of Environmental Measurement and Analysis" in FY 2011.

The issues covered by the survey were as follows:

<Basic survey>
Soil sampling: COD, BOD, Fluorine (F) and TOC

<Advanced survey>
Simulated water sampling: Pesticide (Dichlorvos, Fenobucarb) and others (Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, Perfluorooctanoic acid)
Soil sampling: Dioxins

Answers of participants have been sent from 117 local governments and 397 private organizations. The survey result in FY 2011 was totally good or suitable precision.
For details, please refer to the related website at (in Japanese)

Based on these results, the MOE plans to hold follow-up workshops (language: Japanese only) to explain the major points of the analysis and give feedback to participating institutions in 3 cities (Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka) in July, 2012.

To participate, please submit the application by fax or e-mail (in Japanese only) to the following address.
The closing date for the acceptance of application will be on July 3, 2012.

Submit to:
Department of Environmental Science
Japan Environmental Sanitation Center
10-6 Yotsuyakami-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, Japan 210-0828
Phone: 044-288-5132
Fax: 044-288-5232

"The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Survey of Environmental Measurement and Analysis" is a program which has been conducted by the MOE since FY 1975, to secure the reliability and improve the precision at the environmental measurement and analysis. For details, please refer to the website of "The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Survey of Environmental Measurement and Analysis" at (in Japanese).

For Japanese