Press Release

July 12, 2011
  • Nature & Parks

An Informal Pre-Plenary Scientific International Workshop on Assessment and the IPBES to be held on July 25-27, 2011 in Tokyo

The MOE of Japan will hold an Informal Pre-Plenary Scientific International Workshop on Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, in collaboration with the United Nations University on July 25-27, 2011 in Tokyo (venue: United Nations University, Elizabeth Hall). In the workshop, about 35 national and international experts will discuss the assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services, which is one of the main activities of the IPBES whose establishment is currently being considered. The results of this workshop will be provided to the IPBES General Assembly that is scheduled in the forthcoming October and early next year.

*IPBES: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

For Japanese